Page 146 - Dhamma Practice
P. 146

is unburdened, it would feel light, uncluttered and clear—here, we could really feel it. But, if it just feels still, unclear where the mind is, then it shows that the mind is not empty and unburdened.
Why is the mind not empty and unburdened? This is because we cannot see our own mind. Observe well— move the mind to an empty space in front of us. Can you do it? Then move this unburdened and light mind to the hadaya-vatthu. Why do we need to put it here? It is because that is the place where the mind originates. When the mind is placed here, when we humbly think of merit, wholesomeness, or good deeds we have done, they will appear easily and clearly. Normally, when we feel comfortable or uncomfortable, the feeling is clearest around the hadaya-vatthu.
Therefore, try it. Bring this feeling of emptiness, or a mind that is unburdened and light, and place it around our heart. When we feel that the area around our heart, around our hadaya-vatthu is light and uncluttered then we take the feeling of happiness, the merits we have made, and place them into this empty space around hadaya-vatthu. We could also add the sense of softness and gentleness, or good feelings in the past. All these good feelings are feelings that are wholesome. Then, fill them into the empty space until it is full. Then, observe whether our mind is happy and comfortable.

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