Page 19 - Dhamma Practice
P. 19
Right now, what is the feeling in our mind: Heavy, light, uncluttered, or peaceful? Do we feel neutral? Do we feel comfortable? These are all characteristics of the mind.
Can the mind that is comfortable be shifted? Yes, this is the nature of the mind—it can be shifted. By its nature, whatever the mind wants to experience, it will go there. For example, when I raise this book, as you see it, where is your mind? It is at the book, correct? Your mind is no longer in your body. Do you see that the mind can leave the body in an instance? This is the nature of human beings, of living things. Is it wrong that the mind leaves the body? No, because it is the nature of things. The only thing that is important is whether the mind that moves out to experience things is a wholesome mind or an unwholesome one. Every time that we experience anything, observe whether our mind moves there immediately. When we think of home, our mind goes home in an instance. The mind travels instantaneously—whether the distance is long or short, it takes exactly the same amount of time.
Now let us try this: Move your mind into an empty space just in front of you. Not too far away, as you may lose it—perhaps just one arm’s length. Observe how this mind that is located in the empty space, feel. Does it feel heavy, light, clear, uncluttered, cramped, or unbur- dened? It feels light? If it feels light, observe further whether this lightness can be shifted. Yes? That is correct.