Page 35 - Dhamma Practice
P. 35

disappears and we cannot find any other conscious phenomenon to contemplate, we will start to feel uncomfortable. There is no major conscious phenomenon for the mind, no thoughts phenomenon, no sensation phenomenon—just emptiness. We will question whether this is just tranquility (samadha). Observe whether there is anything deep down in that emptiness. Is there any phenomenon emerging? This is what the practitioners must observe. When we have the intention to know, the emergence-cessation phenomenon that is more refined than the inflate-deflate phenomenon will appear, enabling us to continue to contemplate. There are other phenomena that are more refined than the inflate-deflate, in addition to the thoughts and sensation phenomena.
Therefore, when we wilfully contemplate, we must do it continuously. If the inflate-deflate phenomenon ceases, clearly know that it has ceased. And, once it has ceased, what happens next? The phenomenon that emerges after inflate-deflate such as thoughts, glittering lights, noises (such as from air-conditioning, humans or wind), whatever they are, we must have the awareness to know and contemplate. This is because it is the present conscious phenomenon.
When there is no sound, no inflate-deflate, no thoughts, no sensations, what we must know next is what our mental condition is. Is it peaceful, airy, unburdened, clear, bright, or dim? We have all observed this, correct?

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