Page 64 - Dhamma Practice
P. 64

and mothers and our benefactors. Observe when we think about anyone, the mental pictures of those people appear. Now, try to see what happen to their faces, once we send these happiness and contentment to them. Can you do it? Try it—this is the way to share merits.
Send merits and loving-kindness out without boundaries, without limitations. Focus and resolve that all of these people rejoice with us in the merits that we are making—be it from giving alms and donation, from abiding by the Buddhist precepts, or from practicing vipassana—activities that we have done and are currently doing. We hope that these people rejoice with us in the merits that we have made. If they have any sufferings, we hope that they would soon be free from these sufferings. If they are already happy, we hope that this happiness grows further. As for the celestial beings (devata) here or elsewhere, we also hope that they rejoice with us in the merits that we are making.
Finally, may the benefits of the merits that we have made and are making become penance, strength and condition for all practitioners to progress in dhamma until nibbana is attained.

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