Page 74 - Dhamma Practice
P. 74

This is how we prolong the cycle of birth and death. Even with happiness, if we are attached to happiness, we will continue to prolong the cycle of birth and death. But, when we contemplate the emergence-cessation of the physical and mental phenomena—this is cutting the cycle of birth and death. Why? Once we have attained nibbana, becoming a Stream-Enterer (Sotapanna)—there are only seven lives left, correct? And, how many lives have we lived? We do not know. We cannot recall. But, we can move forward. The important point about vipassana practice is what our “goal” is. Is our goal to practice vipassana is merely for the sake of practicing? Or, is our goal is to attain nibbana—we practice to extinguish sufferings? Therefore, we must have the determination.
We always think about the Buddha, relying on him as our role model. Why did he abandon his royal status and strived for extrication? His desire for extrication was intense. We need to have real determination. We do not know how much merits, how much virtues (barami) we have accumulated over numerous lives. We cannot recall. But, one thing we do know is that if we had never practiced vipassana (Translator’s note: In previous lives), we would have no interests in what the Buddha’s teachings are. Had we never listened to Buddhist sermons, we would not understand how good dhamma is. Therefore, we have accumulated some experience at least. What remains is the way forward, and whether we

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