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                                              "The Foundation Of Every State Is The Education Of Its Youth"

Vol. XXXV - No. 5                                                 Long Branch, N. J., Friday, January 29, 1965                                                      Price Fifteen Cents

S.C. Adopts Korean Girl

"We wanted to do something is still shy. She is also very in- community, however, she was left

for the whole student body," said telligent.                              at a neighbor's. A social worker

Elaine Siegal, co-chairman of the Cho Han-Suk's father is men- found her there and brought her

Student Councll Welfare Commit- tally disturbed; her mother is to the SOS-Children's Village. Be-

tee, "and we wanted to do some-                                           cause Cho Han-Suk has been

thing outside of the community."                                          shifted from place to place, she
                                                                          has had no formal training, and
  As a part of this, the students                                         is two years behind in school.
of Long Branch High, through

their Student Council, have adopt-                                         Works in Summer

ed Cho Han-Suk. This eight-year-                                             The Welfare Committee started
old Korean girl lives in the SOS-                                         applying for the SOS sponsorship
Children's Village in South Korea.                                        last summer. Headed by Carole
She is staying at a house with                                            Bisti and Elaine Siegal, the com-
other underprivileged children and                                        mittee investigated several of the
a supervisory foster mother.                                              International Children's Villages,

Provides Necessities                                                      and then decided on the one in

   Student Council is providing                                           South Korea. "It is the newest           ROCCO CHIDONI (left) practices his accordion solo, while
Cho Han-Suk with food, clothing,                                          village," said Elaine, "and we        GAYLE BLAISDELL and JOHN TOMAINO rehearse their
an education, and other necessities                                       thought it might need our help."      Charleston routine for the Senior Variety Show.
until next November. The cost
for this is only eight dollars a                                             The committee is now drafting
                                                                          a letter for the Korean girl.

month, or a total of $96 for the                                                     Other Activities
                                                                          This February, the Welfare Seniors Design Variety Show
   According to a letter from the
                                                                          Committee will give a party for
directors of the SOS-Children's                CHO· HAN -SUK              the Cerebral Palsy Clinic in Long        The Senior ·Class will present     variety program, "The Fabulous
Village, Cho Han-Suk has black                                            Branch. They also organized the                                             Andantes" and the "Apollos".
hair and dark brown eyes. She is     dead. The girl has been taken        Clothing Drive in November, and       its variety show next Friday and      Vocalists w i 11 include Karen
a very affectionate and attached     from one relative to another, and                                          Saturday, February 5 and 6, at        Staggs, Rae Torchia, and Beverly
                                                                                                                8:30 in the high school auditorium.
little girl. Because she hasn't finally to her grandmother. When prepared baskets of food for needy
been at the Village very long, she her grandmother moved to another families for Thanksgiving.                  Accor·ding to John Wilson, di- Gordon.

                                                                                                                rector of the show, it will be a Money earned during the two-
                                                                                                                parody of a well-known television night run will be used to help de-
                                     Student Council Congratulates show. The two hour program will fray expenses of the Senior Prom.
'lip ./JnJ eamm9                                                                                                                           feature 75 cast members, includ- Tickets will cost $1 and may be
                                                                                                                                           ing 20 chorus girls. Other acts purchased at the door.
Feb. 2- College Board Listen-                                                                                   will star singers, dancers, and
             Aaron Kleiner, Honor Studenting Test
                          ·                                                                                     comedians.                            Philip Desantis, history teacher,

5,6-Senior Variety Show              Aaron Kleiner is January's Stu- country in Mathematics. This Two bands will appear in the is supervising production details
 8-S. C. Courtesy Week
11-Faculty Tea                       dent of the Month, Student Coun- October he was awarded a Letter                                                 of the show.

13-Valentine's Dance                 cil announced today.                 of Commendation by the National
15-Brotherhood Week                                                       Merit Scholarship Program.
22-Winter vacation
27- All-Shore Choral Con-             WestinghouseThroughout his high school Aaron has been just as active                                            eol.Le9e Acceptance&.

                                     career, Aaron has taken a leading outside of school. Last summer
                                     role in extracurricular activities. he attended a summer science                                                   The following students have
                cert                 Honors UngerIn his freshman year he was pres-                                                                    received college acceptances
  Mar. I -School in session                                                                                                                           within the last month:
                                     ident of the Biology Cl ub; in his
Council Sponsors                     junior year he headed the Cube                                                                                     Martin Kaminetsky, Fairleigh
Courtesy Crusade                                                          training program   at · San Diego     Senior Barry Unger has been           Dickinson University; Dan Man-
                                                                          State, Califomia.  He is now a                                              cini, Milwaukee School of En-
                                                                                                                                                      gineering; A r m a n d Mazie,
                                     Roots Math Club; h e i s now presi-                                        awarded the Westinghouse Science

                                     dent of the Chess Club. Aaron                                              Talent Search. Honors Certificate

                                     has also held office in other clubs                                        for his work in solid state physics.

Student C ouncil will sponsor        during the past four years.                                                by the Science Service, a federal     Yankton College; Evelyn Mehl,
                                                                                                                a gency. January 19, Barry re-        Franklin College; Lorraine Sor-
Courtesy Week Feb. 8-12.             Aar on's outstanding contribu-                                             ·ceived notice that he was among      rentino, Rutgers School of Nurs-
                                                                                                                the eight students in New Jersey      ing and Mount Mercy College ;
                                     tion to Long Branch High is his                                            and the 300 students in the nation    and Howard Weisman, St.
According to Council advisor foren sic achievem ents. Alth-0ugh                                                 to belong to this science honors      John University.
Thomas P . Maggio, the purpose of he ·did little public speaking or de-                                         group.
Courtesy Week is to remind Long bating until his junor year, Aaron                                                                                       Barry Unger, Massachusetts
Branch High students of the im- earned 77 forens ic league points,
portance of courtesy , to teach enough for an advanced degree, in
them a lesson in h uman relations, one year. As a Senior, Aaron has                                             Chooses Top 40                        Institute of Technology; John
                                                                                                                                                      Anastasia, San Bernadine Val-
and to foster self-respect. The picked up fifty more.
program is one of the projects. to·                                                                             Forty winners will be chosen ley College; Michael Fleming,

improve the school in keeping                                                                                   from the honors group during the Ohio Northern University; Bev-

                                              Works for Council                                                 las t week in January. Each of erly Gordon, Kings College.

with Student Council's theme,          A Student Council member for               AARON KLEINER                 these winners wins a $250 scholar-    project, "Structure Sensitivity of
" Achievement Thru Effort."          three years, Aaron has worked on     member of New Jersey Federa-                                                F-Center Generation by X-Rays at
                                     the Problems Committee and in                                              ship from the Westinghouse Edu-       Low Temperature." Richard Lawn,
  Student Council officer s will     the Bookstore. He has worked to                                            cational Foundation and will at-      Stefan Irving and Alan F ein were
pr esent a "thought for the day"     solve the bus problem and the                                              tend the Science Talent Institute     also invited by Long Branch High
over the PA system every morn-       cafeteria situation.                                                       in Washington , D. C . from Feb.      School's Scien ce Department to
ing during Courtesy Week. The
Council will also put up signs and      In his school work, Aaron h as                                          24 through March 1. The founda-       take the examination and to sub-
posters throughout the school.       performed no l ess enthusiastically                                        tion will then present the first
                                                                                                                place winner in the contest with
                                                                                                                an $8,000 scholarship.

"Students in this school should than in his extracurricular activ- tion of Temple Youth. His hob-                                                     mit papers.
be reminded of their respon sibil- ities. Since his freshman year, bies include cycling , chess and Barry entered the Science Tai-
                                                                                                                ent Search earlier this winter by Last year Gail Halpern and
ity to be polite and courteous to Aaron has ranked at or near the skiing.
                                                                                                                                                      Janet Perlman were members of
their friends and associates," says  top of his class. On the Scholastic    Aaron's future plans include        taking a two-hour test in physics,    the Science Talent Search honors
Council presiden t Richard Lawn.     Aptitude Test last May, Aaron                                              chemistry, biology, and mathe-        group. Janet was also one of the
"I expect the student body. to· co-  scored within the upper three per    college and, after graduate school,   matics. He also submitted a thou-     40 winner s to receive a $250
operate in making Courtesy· Week     cent of all students in English and  a career in physic.s,. m athematics,

a success."                          among the top students in the or economics.                                sand-word summary of his science schol arship.
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