Page 8 - Glory & Grace Issue 11: Why?
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Pastor-led Bible Study begins Sept. 7th
Here's how author Rob Bell puts it, "The Bible is a book about a library of books dealing with loss and anger and transcendence and worry and empire and money and fear and stress and joy and doubt and grace and healing,
and whodoesn'twanttotalkaboutthat?"
In the Bible we expect to find "good news" and this fall there is no better time to start than now. The book of Mark moves quickly and is sometimes referred to as "the urgent gospel" because of how much happens in so few words! The word "immediately" is used 27 times in Mark's gospel. In this study we will be curious about our own sense of urgency with faith today and how this gospel might invite us to see the importance of our calling in a new way. No previous Bible Study experience is required. Bring your Bible or borrow one of ours, or use the Bible in our new app!
Fall study -
The Urgent Gospel: The Gospel of Mark
Thursdays at 9:30am and 6:30pm at KOG