Page 11 - Relocation & Visitors Guide
P. 11

Day Trips & Area Hiking Trails
Red Rock Canyon
Red Rock Canyon is located approximately 40 miles west of Boulder City on
Charleston Boulevard (also shown as Highway 159 on some maps). Spectacular
desert cli s, buttes and dramatic rock formations o er visitors a unique
perspective of nature as well as the e ects of erosion on petri ed sand dunes. To
the west, mountains rise to a colorful escarpment, formed along a fault zone with
peaks over 8,000 feet, including huge cli s and ravines composed of bands of
gray, white and red rock, all heavily eroded. Wildlife you may encounter include
roadrunners, red-tailed hawks, lizards, mice and squirrels, along with herds of wild burros; descendants of animals used by miners early this century. There is a 13-mile one-way scenic drive within the park boundaries. Red Rock Vista a ords the best overall view of the cli s. Entry fee is $7 per vehicle. No camping is available.
Valley of Fire
Valley of Fire State Park, 65 miles north of Boulder City, is the Nevada State Park system’s  rst park. The valley derives its name from the massive red sandstone formations and the stark beauty of the Mojave Desert and features 3,000-year old Native American petroglyphs and petri ed wood. Popular activities include camping, hiking and picnicking. The park is open year-round and o ers a full-scale visitor center with detailed exhibits. The Valley of Fire makes for excellent auto touring with a network of roads allowing easy access to many features. The park is best accessed from the west entrance, o  of Exit 75 on I-15. The scenic road twists and turns for 32 miles through the park. Entry fee is $10 per vehicle.
Flightlinez® Bootleg Canyon is located on the Red Mountains in Boulder City just 30 minutes outside of Las Vegas. Discover breathtaking views of Las Vegas, Lake Mead and the Eldorado Valley. Their guides take you on an interpretive journey over the desert ecosystem. There are four separate runs carrying you over 1.5 miles of the Mojave Desert  oor at speeds up to 60 mph. Featured on the Travel Channel with Bert the Conqueror, Fantasy Factory and MTV among others. You don’t want to miss this amazing experience. Open daily from 8 am – 5 pm, year-round.
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