Page 151 - Post Summit_2019_AV
P. 151

    Rizwan-Muazzam Qawwali Group The Rizwan-Muazzam Qawwali Group gave a rousing performance to close out this year's Culture Summit. The Pakistani Qawwali band consists of lead singers and brothers, Rizwan and Muazzam Ali Khan, backed by choral singers, two harmonium and one tabla player. They perform in the traditional Qawwali style of sitting on the ground, which they believe connects them to the spiritual aspects of their music. Rizwan and Muazzam are the sons of famous singer Mujahid Mubarak Ali Khan and come from a direct family line of Qawwali musicians dating back five centuries. The brothers have performed together as Rizwan- Muazzam Qawwali Group since the late 1990s. They played their first major concert in 1998 at the Womad Rivermead festival in Reading, England.    147 

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