Page 38 - Linkline Yearbook 2020
P. 38
Minister Heather Humphreys TD Supports CILT Skillnet Clear
Customs Training
On Friday 27 September we were delighted to have Minister Heather Humphreys TD attend our CILT Skillnet Clear Customs Training event in Cavan Innovative and Technology Centre. This was one of our many training days in relation to the five-week Clear Customs Training that individuals and companies working in the sector can avail of for free. CEO Mick Curran spoke with Heather about the vital role the training had given to over 800 participants as of this date across the country. Heather Humphreys TD was appointed Minister for Business, Enterprise, and Innovation on the 30 November 2017 and has been working tirelessly ever since for her constituency and the people of Ireland.
Virgin Media interviewed CEO Mick Curran and Minister Heather Humphreys TD on the morning which was reported on the news on later that day.
Virgin Media interviewed CEO Mick Curran and Minister Heather Humphreys TD
38 The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT