Page 16 - Robo Advisors and Growing Your Wealth
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 Nobel Prize Winning Strategy
We aren’t reinventing the wheel on how to diversify. In fact we are using technology to implement a Nobel Prize winning strategy that is extremely well known.
 David Swensen, the head of the Yale Endowment Fund, is one of the most recognized professionals in the investment industry.
In his book, Unconventional Success, he suggests the following:
1 The investor should maintain a portfolio allocated to 6 core asset classes and be diversi ed. The asset classes include domestic equities, emerging market equities, international equities, government  xed income, real-return bonds
and real estate.
2 The investor should rebalance the portfolio on a regular basis.
3 Theinvestorshould,intheabsenceofacon dentmarket-beating strategy, invest in low-cost
We build and manage your portfolio based on Swensen’s three rules.
Start Building a Portfolio

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