Page 38 - State of Biodiversity Report 2022/2023
P. 38

 4.5.2. Climate Change
In Durban, the following changes have been projected to occur:
• Increases in temperature of 1.5-2.5oC by 2045-2065 and 3-5oC by 2081-2100. Rainfall in Durban is projected to increase in the
future (up to an additional 500mm by 2081-2100). The distribution and variability of this rainfall will change, with rainfall events
becoming more erratic.
• The sea level along the Durban coastline is rising at present by 2.7cm every decade. Projections indicate that this rate is likely
to accelerate in the future.
• Due to these changes in temperature and rainfall, the climatic conditions in which the fauna and flora of Durban exist could
change or shift. This will place additional pressure on Durban’s biodiversity as species may only be adapted to a narrow climatic
range or may have limited ability to disperse to new areas where climatic conditions are suitable.
• Increased CO2 availability in the atmosphere, which favour more woody plant species growth and thereby ecosystems are likely
to become woody, and the spread of invasive alien plants is expected to increase as a result.

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