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Council partners with entire Sector to celebrate women in forestry
In 2022, She Is Forestry SA, on behalf of the Forestry Sector hosted their annual webinar entitled, “Being the Best You Can”. Like previous She Is Forestry SA Women’s Month webinars, 2022’s was designed to shine a spotlight on the contribution of women across the Forestry Sector and its value chains. The subject of the webinar was fuelled by acknowledgement that women often have more external pressures (family commitments and household obligations) than men following the same career path, and as such, cannot dedicate the same amount of time as their male colleagues on their own personal growth. The webinar was therefore designed to raise awareness of this and provide personal growth opportunities. Inspirational panellists from across the forestry value chain gave career and life/work balance advice, adding personal stories that illustrated their point, and broke down perceived notions that successful women at the pinnacle of the career ladder do not have the same challenges as those working their way up. These inspirational messages could not have come at a more perfect time, considering the current challenges with graduate employment and the promotion and empowerment of women.
The She Is Forestry SA webinar also teamed up with Move Africa in the fight against period poverty. For the first time, alongside the customary webinar, corporate sponsorship, She
Is Forestry SA launched a backabuddy campaign during the webinar where individuals could contribute to this important cause. In total, R25,000 was raised on the day and over R100 000 was raised via corporate sponsorship, ensuring all Grade 8 to Matric girl learners at the five She Is Forestry SA supported schools, were provided with menstrual cups and would never again have to miss a day of school as a result of period poverty.
Acknowledging the integral role of women in society and empowering them to take up the position of being role models for future generations to aspire to, is a necessary step in achieving gender equality in South Africa. The 2022 webinar took even greater steps to deliver on this by introducing the She Is Forestry SA Awards, recognising the contribution of women from across the Sector and the dedication of female forestry students. The quantity and quality of nominees is testament to the Sector’s willingness to give women the opportunity to succeed and shine. It is also testament to the calibre of women found across the Sector, women who have earnt their place at the top table and are not simply there to make up the numbers.
The sponsorship received was inspiring, proving once more the sector’s intentional commitment in driving this initiative. The planning of the webinar was once again exceptionally and collectively coordinated- all in the best interest of the Sector’s women and the future role players. The improved
  10 ANNUAL REPORT 2022/2023

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