Page 55 - SDG Report
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the status quo and mobilizing players and resources. Cities have a critical role to play in addressing the SDGs. The task is to bring the various aspects of sustainability work together into a coherent whole so that an integrated strategy can be taken. The creation of a high-level strategic co-ordination/integration unit or committee with a particular cross-sectoral mission and appropriate powers to drive this agenda can help to facilitate this effort. Prospects for accomplishment will be substantially boosted if this includes
departmental or sectoral champions for such an agenda who are able to work effectively with elected representatives.
While each city has crafted its own journey to SDG localization, we need to understand and acknowledge that - while the entry points for each may differ - the destination is the same for all, and that is Sustainable Development.
     The 2030 Agenda with the SDGs, Agenda 2063 of the African Union, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction and the New Urban Agenda (NUA) all recognize the critical role of cities in the transformation towards sustainable development. As eThekwini Municipality we have an unprecedented opportunity to shape their urban futures and in an inclusive, sustainable and resilient manner. Whilst that is easier said than done, as cities we need to ensure that we maximize the impacts of sustainable development. One possible methodology for cities to consider is using SDG 11 as a key driver to achieve outcomes that have a greater impact on the citizen’s quality of life as indicated in the figure below
To achieve the intended impacts of sustainable urban development, the city will require inclusive and coordinated policies, strategies and actions, which should be based on context-specific evidence and nuanced analysis of urban processes.
           Key Enabler across all SDGs

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