Page 13 - CAO Handbook test
P. 13

29. A 'Change of Mind' is automatically processed immediately once the request and administration fee is received. See fee structure on page 24.
30. Any number of programme changes/additions (up to six programmes) in the same Change of Mind Request is considered as one for payment purposes.
31. If you submit qualification/programme changes/additions in more than one Change of Mind Request and/or at different times, each Change of Mind Request submission will be regarded as a separate request and an administration fee must be paid for each submission, not for each qualification/programme change.
32. Payment/s for multiple COM Request submissions will be allocated and processed strictly in the sequence that the COM Request was received by CAO.
33. If you have applied to study in Jan/Feb but did not register, you have an opportunity to extend your application to the next available entry term or year. This request, together with the COM administration fee, must reach the CAO by 31 March 2022. If you miss the deadline you will have to make a new application and pay the full administration fee.
34. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in the annually published Handbook is accurate and up to date at the time of going to print. However, institutions continually update their programmes and entry requirements.
35. During the course of the year, institutions may make new programmes available that were not finalised in time to be included in this Handbook – check our website, mobile app, Facebook page or contact our Call Centre on 031 268 4444 or 0860 860 226 for updates.
36. An entry in this Handbook/website/mobile app does not oblige the institution to offer the programme as institutions continually assess their programmes and may decide to discontinue programmes and/ or change the minimum entrance requirements during an application cycle. If an institution discontinues a programme that is published in
this Handbook/website/mobile app, the applicant may change such a programme at no cost.
37. Specified entry requirements are guidelines used by institutions and each institution sets its own minimum entry requirements for each programme.
38. Entry requirements published in the Handbook/website/mobile app are MINIMUM requirements for your application to be considered, and in most cases, the number of applications for a qualification/programme far exceeds the number of places that an institution has available for the qualification/programme. Therefore, while you may meet the published minimum entry requirements, it does not guarantee acceptance.
39. All payments to the CAO are done through EasyPay or online at Click on 'My Application' and follow the instructions. Card payments can also be made at the CAO’s office. The CAO office does not accept cash. See fee structure on page 24.
40. Payments must be made to the correct CAO number. Once you have paid for an application, we cannot transfer the funds from one application to the next.
41. CAO, its administration departments, staff or any affiliated persons who provide information to the institutions, public and or prospective students, provides such information, whether written or oral, in good faith. In the event that the public and/or prospective students act upon such information to their detriment, CAO shall not be liable for any loss, harm or damage (direct, consequential or special), or expense of any nature whatsoever, which may be suffered as a result of reliance on such information, the interpretation thereof or any references made thereto. CAO, to the best of its ability, attempt to ensure that the information provided is both true and correct, free from error, omission or misrepresentation, however, it does not warrant the aforesaid expressly or impliedly.
42. The CAO reserves the right to vary, update or replace these Terms of Service as it continuously enhances and evolves its services.

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