Page 22 - dbn_climate_change_brochure
P. 22

The main components of energy consumed in eThekwini Municipality are electricity and liquid fuels. Nearly all energy is imported to the City at very high cost to the economy and the residents. About 30% of households do not have access to formal electricity and rely on paraffin, wood and illegal electricity connections.
There is worldwide consensus that in order to limit climate change, most energy needs to be generated from renewable sources in the long term and that energy must be used much more efficiently. The transition to a more sustainable energy supply needs to benefit the local economy and residents of the Municipality.
Durban has a thriving sustainable energy sector. Where appropriate, renewable energy supplies a significant proportion of Durban’s energy needs, and energy is used efficiently by all sectors. All sectors have access to safe and affordable energy sources.
• Forty percent of Durban’s electricity consumption is supplied from renewable energy by 2030 in line with the national long-term mitigation targets.
• Energy in Durban is used efficiently by all sectors.
• All Durban’s energy users have safe access (physical and social access) to
suitable energy forms to meet their needs.

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