Page 27 - DUT ICGA Abstract Book
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Khulekani P Zuma: Durban University University of of of Technology Department of of of Info Systems: University University of of of Johannesburg Library and Information Centre
Mogiveny Rajkoomar: Durban University of of Technology Department of of Info Systems Nalen Naicker: Durban University of of Technology Department of of Info Systems Affiliations:
(Department of of of Information Systems Faculty of of of Accounting and informatics Durban University of of of Technology South Africa)
(Department of of of Library and Information Centre
Faculty of of of Education University of of of Johannesburg south Africa)
Accountability and transparency are are the the primary solution towards achieving good governance in in the the public sector However fraud and and corruption are a a a a a a a a a challenge towards the achievement of good governance and and effective service delivery to the the community Lack of transparency and accountability encourages the the acts of of maladministration and and negative cashflows which risks the the finances of of the the public sector As fraud and and corruption grows financial records have become target to fraudulent and corrupt corrupt officials fin in the public sector Corrupt officials make sure that all related records which may point back to to to them as the the creators of of unauthorized payments disappear they manipulate and modify records to ensure that nothing points back to to them Lacking in in the the the public sector is the the the records management system which can ensure none modifiable records records which points back to the person who made unauthorized payments Blockchain based records records management is a a a a a a a a system to ensure accountability and good governance through none modifiable records and consensus procedure The purpose of blockchain technology is to facilitate information exchange and transactions without third party involvement This survey study aimed to explore the perception of of of records management management and financial management management professionals on on the significance of of of blockchain-based records management system which can enable accountability transparency authenticity security and good governance in the public public sector sector The objectives were to to to establish if Gauteng public public sector sector have a a a a a a functional digital records records management system for accountability and good governance to investigate records records transparency authenticity security and privacy when using blockchain technology in in in the the public sector governance and to find out on the probability of improved audit results when using blockchain technology in the public public sector sector records management system This was a a a a a a survey study based on Gauteng public public sector sector Online questionnaires were circulated to population made up of twenty records management and financial management officials in in Gauteng Data was analysed using SPSS based on the the objectives of of the the study The results were that even though there is is existence of records management system system but system system like blockchain based records management is fundamentally needed to fight the ongoing fraud corruption and lack of accountability in in the public sector which can aid to to improve provincial audit results and ensure good governance KEYWORDS: Accountability Good governance Records management Blockchain technology Book of Abstracts 25