Page 62 - DUT ICGA Abstract Book
P. 62

Mpubane Emanuel Matlala1 Thandukwazi Richman Ncube2 Longane Bhebhe-Mwelase3
*1 Department of of of Finance and and Information Management Faculty of of of Accounting and and Informatics Durban University of of of Technology South Africa 2 Department of of of Finance and and Information Management Faculty of of of Accounting and and Informatics Durban University of of of Technology South Africa 3
Department of of of Finance and and Information Management Faculty of of of Accounting and and Informatics Durban University of of of Technology South Africa * Corresponding Author: Mpubanem@dut ac za Abstract
Information management is is considered as the conscious process by which information is is collected and used to help in in in in decision making at at at at at all levels of the organizations Corroborating that notion information management management plays an an an an an an important role in in performance management management Conversely the initiatives that can be undertaken to manage manage information information are most heterogeneous The role of information information management plays a a a a a a a a a a momentous role in in in the the economic development of the the organizations and it is increasingly used as as a a a a a a a corporate resource to enhance accountability Thus good information management is reflected by the creation use maintenance retention protection and preservation of information information The proper information information management is central to the promotion of good governance accountability and ensuring effective organizational performance The core principles of good governance such as accountability transparency and the rule of law are ascertained with available recorded information that enhances organizational performances Despite anecdotal evidence South African public sector organizations have generally been riddled with poor poor state of poor poor information management practices practices which promotes bad economic practices practices such as corruption maladministration and fraud Thus the role of information management practices in in in in enhancing organizational performance cannot be overemphasised and the public sector in South Africa are not not immune from this phenomenon Hence the the the study investigated the the the factors that hinder the the the information management in in in in enhancing organizational performance in in in in the public sector in in in in South Africa and to to suggest possible solutions for the identified problems This study adopted a a a a a a a a qualitative research approach with an interpretivist design of systematic review focusing on on exploring on on reports and government departments website across all of South South Africa Africa It can can be concluded that the South South African public sector has taken an an an initiative in in in in in in in consciously introducing and implementing information management programmes in in in in in in in their departments However it it is not not without challenges information management processes not not being mapped in in in most governmental departments departments the the government government departments departments not determining policies for the the proper implementation implementation of of information management management absence or or or or poor implementation implementation of of records management management strategies policies and and procedures and and lack of a a a a a a a a a disposal authority The study recommends that majority of the the staff members in in the the government departments be be skilled and and educated on on and and about information management programmes KEYWORDS: Information Management Public sector South Africa organizational performance 60 7th International Conference on on on Governance and Accountability (ICGA) 2022

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