P. 8

              Central Applications Office
     George van der Ross
   031 268 4451
 Handbook, Annual Report
  R319 941
Sapphire Coast Tourism
   Sibusiso Mn- goma
         072 424 4310
  Visitor’s Guide
   R123 120
    2011, 2016
  Durban Tourism
  Thulani Zungu
Manager: Regional Marketing
  031 777 1874
1000 Hills Tourism Visitor’s Guide
Durban Trade Guide
 R158 916 R195 054
  2011, 2016 2013/14, 2017
  KZN Film Commission
   Ngqabutho Bhebe
   031 325 0216
Annual Report Annual Performance Plan
   R165 186
eThekwini Transport Association
     Japhet Mkha- bela
 Project Executive
   031 311 7336
 Annual Report
  R79 458
   2012, 2013
Cindy Goven- der
    Communications Officer
   082 885 2909
 Annual Report
  R76 950
2011, 2012, 2013
   Ugu District Municipality
      Justice Ngesi
 Corporate Strategy and Shared Services
     039 688 5879
  Annual Report
   R199 443
 2010, 2011, 2013
     Special Projects Unit,
eThekwini Municipality
  Vivian Holden
Senior Event Manager
  031 322 4161
COP 17 Conference Durban City Guide
BRICS Tourist Info Brochure
 R67 716 R112 746
  2011 2013
  University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Rubby Dhun- path
 Director: Projects University Teaching & Learning Office
     031 260 2622
 Teaching & Learning Annual Report
    R105 735 R106 863
    2012, 2013
   Sally Frost
 College PR Manager
   031 260 7642
 Women in Chemistry Brochure
  R12 300
Computer Artwork Services cc trading as Artworks, Registered Close Corporation CK 88/20782/23 Members: Shakila Chetty and Phindile Mantantana

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