Page 32 - DUT Annual Report 2023
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and Prof. Nyasha Mboti’s presentation on an Apartheid Studies framework to understand the problem of living with harm and living in harm’s way set a useful platform for DUT academics to reflect on and revise their practices.
Siyaphumelela Project
In Siyaphumelela 2.0, DUT is actively breaking the barriers between academic and support departments by fostering collaboration and integration across institutional activities and projects. We prioritise the inclusion of students in decision-making processes across our three core areas: Sikusekele, Hambisa, and the development of an evidence- led institutional culture.
Sikusekele (We’ve got you)
Sikusekele, which translates “We’ve got you”, encompasses our holistic student support efforts, addressing challenges such as food and financial insecurity, promoting financial literacy, prioritising mental health, and empowering student agency and leadership.
In 2023, the Phakimpilo food security programme distributed over 366 vouchers to 183 students, which is an increase from 63 students supported in 2022. Through the food pantry, 752 hampers were sponsored by the SRC and 60 in-house hampers were located. Over 250 students participated in the Vuna Leadership Academy master classes, which were presented by senior staff members from DUT. In the past year, a total of 13 gardens were established and are currently under the supervision of Green Campus Initiative representatives and residence advisors across various residences. These gardens have not only been successfully maintained but have also yielded harvests. Numerous students within these residences have directly benefited from and received assistance through the produce cultivated in these gardens. Surveys were sent to students to track the effectiveness of One Res One Garden and its involvement in students’ wellbeing; positive responses from the survey showed that the gardens have had a positive impact on our students within the residences. Through the National Siyaphumelela Network, DUT hosted a workshop titled “Chronicles of the holistic student support initiatives” which was attended by over 80 representatives of universities within the Siyaphumelela network.
The Disability Rights Unit conducted an Albinism Awareness programme with the goal of fostering an informed and inclusive community at DUT. The Student Housing and Residence Life unit organised the Residence League Outdoor Finale on 02 November 2023, at Curries, Fountain Sports Grounds. The event witnessed significant student attendance and was highly successful.
Hambisa (Move Forward)
The Siyaphumelela Hambisa project is a collaborative, integrative staff-student development approach for student success. The focuses of the project are to (1) understand the multiple challenges that impact on student success, which creates a large middle cohort that remains in transition in academic programmes and (2) identify and implement strategies for enhancing success.
The project that is being piloted, in one programme, in all faculties, follows a programmatic approach that involves enhancing success for all students, including students in the middle. This approach is a shift from deficit framings and considers the full campus ecosystem.
In 2023, the six-faculty pilot programme produced extensive data using a variety of data production methodologies, that included interviews and focus group discussions with students and staff, use of visual methodologies to generate data, interrogation of curricula and materials, surveys, and performance data. The purpose was to understand the multiple challenges impacting student success. A key finding from the analyses has been that student success is multi-faceted and complex. Understanding the underlying challenges that impact student success cannot be fully understood through examining numerical data alone (e.g. performance data). Deeper excavation and engagement with students, staff, and the curriculum are required.
Driven by the data, each piloted programme implemented high impact practices. These included a contextualised discipline specific tutorial, online academic support specifically for students who had a few modules delaying their completion; revision of course materials; integration of academic literacies; online support for mental health challenges; academic advising; and staff development on high impact teaching strategies.
DUT continued to use AutoScholar as an early detection tool for high priority modules and students. A new functionality on self-directed advising has been piloted and tested for validity. Students will be training on the use of the student-central card as a tool to monitor and track their own learning and identify areas for support and development.
Support to our Students
Promoting equity of access and equity of success is central to DUT’s strategic intent. The recognition of prior learning (RPL) provides an alternate access for prospective students who have the necessary knowledge and attributes for access to higher education. In 2023, 37 students were supported to access programmes at DUT through RPL.