Page 36 - DUT Annual Report 2023
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Association of South Africa, presented the public lecture online. The theme for the SALW was “Libraries: Telling Powerful Stories”. The theme resonated with several library programmes and strategic directions. The SALW represents an important occasion in our university calendar. It is for this reason that the DUT and the Library plan and celebrate the SALW annually, hosting public lectures as part of the proceedings.
As part of its strategic priority focus area and perspective on stewardship, in a heartfelt tribute to the dedicated individuals shaping the success of our Library, the much- anticipated 2022 Staff Recognition Awards Function took centre stage on Friday, 31 March 2023, at the elegant Elangeni and Maharani Hotel. This event served as a beacon of appreciation, acknowledging the unwavering commitment and hard work of our esteemed Library staff. The 2022 Staff Recognition Awards Function stands as a testament to the library’s commitment to fostering a culture of appreciation and excellence.
Writing Centre Highlights
The activities presented in this report are for Steve Biko, ML Sultan, City and Ritson campuses in Durban and Indumiso and Riverside campuses in the Midlands. It covers the achievements and challenges for the period under review.
National Creative Writing Competition
The inaugural National Creative Writing Competition was a great success. The competition is in line with the DUT ENVISION2030 Strategic Perspective 1: Stewardship, Objective 4: Creativity for the inspiration of innovation and entrepreneurship. The theme for this year’s competition was VOICES. The question that the students had to answer in the genre of their choice was: What is voice and how do we claim it?
A total of 96 entries were received from participants from Rhodes University, North-West University, Walter Sisulu University, Stellenbosch University, University of Cape Town, University of South Africa, University of KwaZulu- Natal, University of Witwatersrand and Durban University of Technology. Additionally, a few entries were from private universities Varsity College, Curro College and Boston College. The winning entries will be published in 2024.
One-On-One Consultations, Workshops and
As of 14 December 2023, a total of 6,424 online appointments were made by 3,720 students. This was a major improvement from 5,045 bookings and 2,922 students in 2022. There was an increase of 27% in both appointments and the number of student Writing Centre users. Notably, a total of 11 online appointments were
made by nine members of staff. A total of 98 workshops were conducted by Writing Centre practitioners and 6,036 students were reached. In total, in 2023, 9,653 students were reached. These statistics could have been higher if it not for the disruptions caused by the fire at the City Campus Writing Centre and the relocation caused by construction at the Ritson Writing Centre. The Writing Centre is working with faculties to improve these numbers and the quality of service. In terms of research, the Writing Centre staff published a total of 10 articles in DHET- accredited journals.
Profiling of Successful Graduates
The Corporate Affairs Department profiled two influential graduates, Nomali Zondi and Ntobeko Mafu, who are published writers supported by the DUT Writing Centre, who participated in past creative writing competitions.
2022 ENVISION2030
Recognising Valuable Contributions to
ENVISION2030’s Strategic Intent
The Institutional Awards Framework is an awards mechanism that recognises the contributions of both staff and students to ENVISION2030’s statement of strategic intent. Recipients of the awards are members of our staff and our students who have had a significant impact on local, national, and/or international communities through research, learning, and/or teaching, and/or who have exhibited exemplary behaviour that exemplifies DUT values and principles.
The objective of the 2022 ENVISION2030 Institutional Awards is to further recognise staff and students who have had a significant impact on local, national and international communities through research, learning, teaching and exhibited exemplary behaviour that demonstrates the institution’s values and principles.
The DUT hosted its 2022 ENVISION2030 Institutional Awards at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Durban International Convention Centre on Friday, 24 November 2023. This prestigious event honoured the DUT staff and students who contributed to the development of their society to improve lives and livelihoods. These awards celebrate exceptional performance and achievements that contribute to DUT’s purpose and strategy. In addition to the escalation of awardees from the operational domain awards, the university advertised for nominations for ENVISION2030 categories. Facilitating the event were Mr Alan Khan, Senior Director of Corporate Affairs, and Mr Avhatakali Nenungwi, Director: Talent Management and Organisational Development at DUT.

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