Page 75 - DUT Annual Report 2023
P. 75
The DUT’s Code of Ethics, as approved by Council, is a statement of ethical principles, values, and behaviours expected of the staff and individuals associated with the university.
Insofar as staff members are concerned, three trade unions enjoy organisational rights, namely the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), the National Educational Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) and the Tertiary Education National Union of South Africa (TENUSA). Our Recognition Agreements allow them to participate in the Labour Management Consultative Forum and the Joint Bargaining Forum (JBF), the latter being a forum for matters of rights.
Notwithstanding the revised Statute with certain changes to the status quo, one staff member from the union cluster sits on each of the Safety/Health and Environmental Committee, Employment Equity Committee and the Human Resources Training and Development Committee. In addition, two staff members sit on the Institutional Forum (IF) and five staff members sit on the Labour Management Consultative Forum. The unions also have observer status on the selection committees for all staff, the selection committee for senior management and on the Professorial Committee. The implementation of the revised Statute and the external evaluation recommendations to enhance declarations of conflict of interest has led to the removal of internal staff members and students from serving as members of the Council committees, except for the Vice-Chancellor and Principal in selected committees, excluding the Audit Committee.
Student participation in decision-making is ensured by the membership afforded to the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) in various formal and working committees of Management and Council. In terms of the highest decision-making bodies, the SRC appoints two members
to the Council, three members to the Senate, four members to the IF, one member to the Safety/Health and Environmental Committee and four members to the Student Services Board. Further, two members also serve at Senate and the Joint Senate and Executive Management Committee, the latter meeting when there are urgent and critical matters affecting the academic programme. In addition, one student representative from each Faculty and two student members sit on the Central Housing Council from the Durban and Midlands Campuses, respectively, and on the Student Services Board. Furthermore, one SRC member sits on each of the Library committees, the selection committees for Executive Managers, the Student Disciplinary Tribunal and the Vice-Chancellor’s Student Appeals Tribunal. They also serve on the HIV/Aids, Financial Aid, Fees, and House committees. Students also have representation on all faculty boards.
Statement on Ethics
The DUT’s Code of Ethics, as approved by Council, is a statement of ethical principles, values, and behaviours expected of the staff and individuals associated with the university. Such persons are required to be careful, honest, responsible, efficient, and avoid impropriety, or the appearance of impropriety, to preserve the resources and assets of the university for the public good. The Code also seeks to promote the highest standards of scientific and professional integrity and to give due consideration to the ethical issues arising from the activities of the university. Council’s Code of Conduct is another tool used to regulate the conduct of Council members on meeting attendance, processes, and ethics.
Registrar and Secretary of Council