Page 97 - DUT Annual Report 2023
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Accumulated Funds
Figure 31. Accumulated funds
 The university’s accumulated funds comprise of unrestricted funds, restricted funds, residence funds, property, plant and equipment funds, and fair value reserves. There was a net increase in funds and reserves of R469.04 million. The increase is categorised as follows:
• Unrestricted use funds – undesignated (R1 348.71 million increase)
• Unrestricted use funds – designated (R896.39 million decrease)
• Residence funds (R47.85 million increase)
• Restricted use funds (R2.28 million decrease)
• Fair value reserve (R28.85 million decrease) Cash Flow and Liquidity
The university’s cash resources continue to remain positive. Cash and cash equivalents and other financial assets at year- end increased from R4 765.67 million in 2022 to R5 134.32 million in 2023. A significant portion of cash and cash equivalents relates to committed funds for the following:
• Unspent restricted government grants and research funds totalling R494.37 million (2022: R355.15 million)
• Unspent funds designated to departments amounting to R545.40 million (2022: R914.83 million)
• Trade and other payables amounting to R503.10 million (2022: R311.15 million)
• Funds retained for working capital amounting to R1467.52 million (2022: R1 620.32 million)
Total cash and fixed term deposits for the year include unencumbered cash of R2 225.99 million (2022: R1 363.16 million) at year-end. The unencumbered cash includes the infrastructure projects funded by the Council.

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