Page 26 - Parliament Budget Office Annual Report 2022-2023
P. 26

 a major role in spatial transformation, requiring prioritisation of the release of land and the identification of government buildings that can be used to catalyse spatial transformation. To be able to make an impact on environmental management and climate change, sectors and municipalities are required to deal with climate change and improve the state of ecological infrastructure. Performance on this requirement over the 2019-2024 MTSF is not clear due to the failure to report on municipal capacity (adequate resources and infrastructure) for implementing climate change programmes to deal with disasters.
The ability to make an impact on the government of the rural economy requires a commitment to contribute to rapid land and agrarian reforms. However, current performance figures from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on redistribution or on the land acquired for agrarian transformation have proven to be insufficient for making an impact on the rural economy.
The human settlements programme aims to achieve spatial transformation through the provision of adequate housing and an improved quality of living environment. This function is mainly provided by provincial departments of human settlements and other institutions. The national Department of Human Settlements provides limited reporting on these outputs.
The basic services programme aims to improve access to Basic Services, which involves access to safe drinking water, access to adequate sanitation and hygiene, wastewater treatment works and households with access to electricity. Access to these services requires the improvement in the capacity to deliver by providing quality infrastructure. The Department of Mineral Resource and Energy has made progress by providing electricity to connections for households. At the same time, it’s impossible to measure progress in the maintenance and refurbishment of the municipal electricity network without reports on the targets set in the MTSF.
Nonetheless, the Department of Water and Sanitation has made progress with the eradication of the bucket system and here the targets for 2024 should be achieved. A National Sanitation Integrated Plan has also been drafted, but implementation has not been monitored. The understanding here is that a national municipal self-assessment tool has been developed for water services authorities, but it is not clear whether these assessments are being done annually. Draft regulations for water allocation reform is due to be completed by the end 2021/22, for finalisation by 2024. Continuous monitoring is then required to ensure a positive impact at the end of the MTSF.
However, it is neither possible to measure progress on the performance on the implementation of Provincial Integrated
Water Resource Plans, nor measure progress made in the rehabilitation of dams or feasibility studies on the building of new dams. Hence, significant progress is yet to be reported in the APP of the Department of Cooperative Governance as regards the planned 52 projects to identify new water resources.
More positively, progress has been made with the implementation of the Bus Rapid Transit system and the Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) Programme. The aim is to reach 100 per cent compliance with the spatial referencing of the IPTN programme in 2024. Current performance levels remain at 25 per cent although an annual progress report by PRASA shows that more stations have been modernised than what was planned for. Furthermore, in terms of upgrading the Metrorail fleet, only 40 new trains were procured against a target of 218 new trains by 2024.
2019-2024 MTSF, Priority 3: Education, Skills and Health (2)
The PBO analysis has revealed that the technical findings show that the Department of Health identified a total of 31 indicators to measure the performance impact of the interventions taken on unemployment, poverty and inequality. Here, 22 of these indicators are yet to be reflected in the 2022/23 APP of the Department. Moreover, the public bodies engaged in oversight - including Parliament - cannot determine mid-term progress on 71 per cent of health indicators for the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP)/MTSF. Yet it has also been acknowledged that most of the outputs in the 2019-2024 MTSF reflect statistical data on health conditions in South Africa where so far targets have only been set for 2024.
To achieve universal health coverage for all South Africans by 2030, the Department of Health aims to maintain the ideal clinic status in 3,467 PHC facilities. Over 2021/22, 1,928 clinics achieved ideal clinic status. Here the performance analysis shows that the MTSF targets have been achieved to establish nursing colleges in all nine provinces. However, slow progress has been made in the establishment of the National Health Insurance Fund. For this reason, the strategic purchasing platform for primary healthcare providers is still funded by the NHI conditional grant. The APP of the Department does not reflect an indicator to be able to determine whether or not the 2020/21-2024/25 Human Resource Health strategy has been completed.
To improve the total life expectancy of South Africans from 65 in 2019 to 67 by 2024, the Department aims to vaccinate 22.5 million people over the age of 18 during the Covid-19 vaccination programme. The preliminary number reported at the end of 2021/22 was 19.5 million. Another intervention contributing to the improvement of the life expectancy rate is to improve the TB treatment success rate. The aim is to reach a 90 per cent TB treatment success rate while performance is
Parliamentary Budget Office | Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

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