Page 37 - Parliament Budget Office Annual Report 2022-2023
P. 37

This report is the 9th annual report of the Parliamentary Budget Office. The report highlights the activities of the PBO for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
Where applicable, the report covers some of the key activities carried out since the establishment of the Office in 2013. The annual report provides progress on the strategic goals for the first nine years of existence and progress made by the Office since the beginning of the 6th Democratic Parliament in 2019.
The Parliamentary Budget Office is a juristic entity (“juristic person”) of Parliament headed by a Director as its Accounting Officer. It was established by section 15 of the Money Bills Amendment Procedures and Related Matters and Procedures Act no 09. of 2009 as amended by the Money Bills Act no 13 of 2018. The PBO is legislatively required to provide independent, professional, objective research, analysis, and advice in support of Parliament’s fiscal oversight processes.
As a juristic office, the Director accounts to the two Houses of Parliament through the Executive Authority of Parliament i.e., the Speaker of the National Assembly (NA) and the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). The PBO further provides account to an “Advisory Board” (AB) established by sub-section 1(b) of the amended Money Bills Act no 13 of 2018.
The AB with codified legislative functions and responsibilities comprises of the NA House-Chairperson for Committees, NCOP House-Chairperson, and the Chairpersons of the Finance and Appropriations Committees in the NA and NCOP.
The Money Bills Amendments Procedures and Related Matters Act is the PBO’ primary legislation. The Act provide for the Office’ mandate, governance and reporting framework and for the business operating and management framework. However, during the reporting period, the Office has used SLA between the Director and the Secretary of Parliament to give effect to some provisions of the governance and management frameworks.

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