Page 45 - Parliament Budget Office Annual Report 2022-2023
P. 45

  1.4.1 Functional organisational configuration
The Director is supported by Deputy Directors: Senior Analysts to carry out the legislative mandate and management of the Office. Deputy Directors are in turn supported by Analysts located in the economics, policy, and finance units. The Director together with the Deputy Directors and Analysts are individually and collectively responsible for discharging the legislative mandate of the Office to support Members of Parliament in their public finance oversight of the Executive.
To optimise service delivery throughput, the Office operates in a matrix organisational configuration to mitigate against the effects of the small staff complement the office has. This operating method enables the Office to provide amplified technical support to Parliamentary Committees. To give effect to operational and organisational efficiency and effectiveness, the Director is supported by a staff complement of three officials to carry out varied corporate services functions.
The following table highlights the functional areas performed by the research, analysis and advisory units and corporate services.
Table 1 PBO Functional Configuration as at 31 March 2023
 Economic Analysis
  • The organisational structure makes provision for a Deputy Director: Senior Analyst and two Analysts.
• The Deputy director economics post was filled during the 2016/2017 financial year, in June 2016.
• An Economic Analyst post was vacant and was at advanced stages of being filled, with the projected
timeframe of filling the post in the first (1st) quarter of the 2023/24 financial year.
• The Economic Analysis unit operated on a partially full staff complement as at 31 March 2023 with
two filled posts and one vacant post.
   Finance Analysis
  • The organisational structure makes provision for a Deputy Director and two Analysts. The Deputy Director Finance was appointed during the 2015/16 financial year. The Deputy Director Finance post became vacant in December 2020 when the incumbent in the post Dr. Dumisani Jantjies was promoted and appointed as Director. After three (3) recruitment rounds, the Office has struggled to fill the post that has been re-advertised. It is anticipated.
• The Finance Analysis unit operated on a full staff complement as at 31 March 2023.
   Policy Analysis
  • The organisational structure makes provision for a Deputy Director and two Analysts. The Deputy Director policy analysis was appointed during the 2015/16 financial year.
• Only one policy analyst post has been filled—the other Policy Analyst position was declared vacant unfunded during the institutional review of critical posts process which transpired several years ago.
• A full staff complement has not been realised under the policy analysis unit.
   Administration - Corporate Services
  • The organisational structure makes provision for a Personal Secretary to the Director of the PBO, an Office Manager, an Office Coordinator. The corporate services unit operated under a full staff complement.
• Substantial additional human resources capacity is required to fulfill the governance and accountability requirements imposed by the amended Money Bills Act no 13 of 2018.
   Graduate Analysts
   • The organisational structure makes provision for two graduate analysts.
• With the support of Parliament Human Resource department, the Office has appointed two graduate

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