Page 48 - Parliament Budget Office Annual Report 2022-2023
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2.1 Introduction
The Parliamentary Budget Office derives its mandate from the Money Bills Act, as amended, by the Money Bills Act no 13 of 2018.
The PBO is mandated to:
a) Review and analyses the documentation tabled in Parliament by the Executive (Minister of Finance) in terms of the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, 2009 (Act no. 9 of 2009), as amended by Act 13 of 2018.
b) Analyse and advise on proposed amendments to the fiscal framework, the Division of Revenue Bill, and money Bills and policy proposals with budgetary implications
c) Monitor and synthesise matters on reports tabled and adopted in a House with budgetary implications, with particular emphasis on reports by other Committees
d) Keep abreast of policy debates and developments in key expenditure and revenue areas
e) Monitor and report on potential unfunded mandates arising out of legislative, policy or budgetary proposals
f) Conduct research on request by the Houses, other committees, or members of Parliament on matters related to the budget and other money Bills.
The Office supports the implementation of the Money Bills Act by undertaking indepenent and objective research, analysis and advice for the Finance and Appropriations Committees of Parliament and other Committees of Parliament subject to capacity and the scope of the request.
 Programme 1 2022/23 FY Performance April 2022 to March 2023
    A 100 per cent performance rate was achieved during the 2022/23 FY where the Office produced fifty-five performance outputs against twenty-eight performance targets. The performance environment is influenced largely by cyclical variations arising from demand-driven requests. The strategic outcome and the performance indicators against the mandate during the 2022/23 FY is reflected in the tables below.
Parliamentary Budget Office | Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

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