Page 61 - UniZulu Annual Report 2020
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   Forum), which serves as a platform for engagement between management and staff on labour-related matters.
The University is committed to the highest standards of integrity, behaviour and ethics in dealing with all its stakeholders, including its Council members, managers, employees, students, customers, suppliers, competitors, donors and the society at large. The University’s policies include provisions to deal with conflicts of interest.
Council members and all staff who have decision-making authority, either individually or jointly through their service on committees, are expected to observe the University’s ethical obligations to conduct business through the use of fair commercial practice. In terms of the respective Codes of Conduct for Members of Council and Executive management, those bound by the Codes are obliged to disclose annually, as well as whenever a new conflict arises, any noteworthy interests (as defined) in a register of contracts.
Likewise, potential or actual conflicts of interests are required to be declared. Various general provisions underpin Council’s commitment to ethical conduct. These are characterised, inter alia, by the requirements to act in good
faith, to serve the interests of the University, to maintain the trust of Council and the Executive, to respect Council decisions and to maintain confidentiality. Members of Council and the Executive are required to acknowledge and uphold the respective Codes by making signed declarations to this effect, which are, in turn, lodged with the Registrar’s Office. Compliance with the UNIZULU Code of Ethics was constantly monitored and observed, and perceived deviations were dealt with effectively and efficiently in terms of the relevant UNIZULU rules, policies and procedures.
Council hereby explicitly confirms that it has applied the DHET Code of Governance principles in 2020 and that approval of this statement was recorded at the full Council meeting, held on 16 April 2019, which had a quorum.
Ms N. Caluza Chairperson of Council

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