Page 19 - State of Biodiversity 2018/19
P. 19 Biodiversity Targets
To conserve three viable free-living sub-populations of the KwaZulu Dwarf Chameleon in perpetuity targets have been set as they appear in Table 3.
An overall and notable upward trend in population growth has been observed in KwaZulu Dwarf Chameleons at Chameleon
Parkfrom2014to2018(Figure5).Thistrendisattributedmostly tochangesinmanagementactionssuchasmoreactiveAIPclearing as well as the exclusion of mowing the grasses.These actions have led to increased habitat availability for the chameleons.
 250 200 150 100
50 0
 Figure 5: Estimated number of KwaZulu Dwarf Chameleons at Chameleon Park8
Table 3: Targets and status of KwaZulu Dwarf Chameleons in Chameleon Park and the Edwin Swales Business Park D’MOSS strip Key management actions for 2019/2020
It is critical that Chameleon Park is managed consistently and appropriately to increase the amount of suitable habitat for the KwaZulu Dwarf Chameleon. Management actions that are required include: regular, frequent and light alien plant control; mosaic defoliation of moribund grass and removal of moribund material off the site; securely fencing or hedging of the area with an impenetrable barrier plant (e.g. Acacia ataxacantha); and fitment of litter traps at storm water
pipe outflows. Focus has also been added to increasing alien plant control in adjoining areas to Chameleon Park in order to increase habitat availability.
 At least three viable sub-populations of 7 000 adults each conserved across the range of the coastal population
 Not achieved
  A viable sub-population conserved at Chameleon Park and connected D’MOSS areas
 Not achieved
 A total of 100 adults conserved at Chameleon Park and the D’MOSS area adjacent to Edwin Swales Business Park
   8. Counts at the D’MOSS strip were suspended in 2007 due to the continual decline of the species.
 2002 2003
2004 2006
2007 2008
2009 2010
2011 2012
2013 2014
2015 2016
2017 2018
Estimated number of adults

   17   18   19   20   21