Page 243 - CAO Handbook 2024 Entry
P. 243
Teaching staff are actively involved in research; some are world experts in their fields
Instruction is theoretical and classroom- or laboratory-based. Students learn how to learn and evaluate
Most degree programmes last three or more years. Institutions may grant credits towards degrees for relevant courses passed at other recognised institutions
Students are instructed through a combination of theoretical study and practical experience, in many cases in an appropriate work situation. Students learn how to apply their knowledge in real-life situations
The diploma is awarded on successful completion of the third year, and those who wish to pursue their studies further can usually register for a Bachelor of Technology, which requires a further one year full-time or two years part-time study
Students who complete a certificate programme may be considered for admission to diploma study in related fields at universities of technology or can continue with advanced study at a TVET or private college
The DHET TVET Colleges Bursary Fund provides financial assistance to deserving and motivated students who cannot otherwise afford to study
The NC(V) is offered in fields of study ranging from Tourism to Education
& Development and from Safety in Society to Management
The NC(V) covers three years of study, and a certificate is awarded after each year. A practical component is part of all courses, often in a real workplace situation
Students who complete an NC(V) or
N4 may be considered for admission
to diploma study in related fields
at universities of technology or can continue with advanced study at a TVET or private college
The DHET TVET Colleges Bursary Fund provides financial assistance to deserving and motivated students who cannot otherwise afford to study