Page 80 - KZN Film A Report
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                               KWAZULU-NATAL FILM COMMISSION
(Registration number M3/15/32 (834/15))
Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2021
Notes to the Annual Financial Statements
2. New standards and interpretations
2.1 Standards and interpretations effective and adopted in the current year
In the current year, the entity has adopted the following standards and interpretations that are effective for the current financial year and that are relevant to its operations:
GRAP 1 (amended): Presentation of Financial Statements
Amendments to this Standard of GRAP, are primarily drawn from the IASB’s Amendments to IAS 1. Summary of amendments are:
Materiality and aggregation
The amendments clarify that:
• Information should not be obscured by aggregating or by providing immaterial information;
• Materiality considerations apply to all parts of the financial statements; and
• Even when a Standard of GRAP requires a specific disclosure, materiality considerations apply.
Statement of financial position and statement of financial performance
The amendments clarify that the list of line items to be presented in these statements can be disaggregated and aggregated as relevant and additional guidance on subtotals in these statements.
Notes structure
The amendments add examples of possible ways of ordering the notes to clarify that understandability and comparability should be considered when determining the order of the notes and to demonstrate that the notes need not be presented in the order listed in GRAP 1.
Disclosure of accounting policies
Remove guidance and examples with regards to the identification of significant accounting policies that were perceived as being potentially unhelpful.
An entity applies judgement based on past experience and current facts and circumstances. The effective date of this amendment is for years beginning on or after 1 April 2020.
The entity expects to adopt the interpretation for the first time in the 2020/2021 annual financial statements.
IGRAP 20: Accounting for Adjustments to Revenue
As per the background to this Interpretation of the Standards of GRAP, there are a number of legislative and regulatory processes that govern how entities levy, charge or calculate revenue, in the public sector. Adjustments to revenue already recognised in terms of legislation or similar means arise from the completion of an internal review process within the entity, and/or the outcome of an external appeal or objection process undertaken in terms of legislation or similar means. Adjustments to revenue include any refunds that become payable as a result of the completion of a review, appeal or objection process. The adjustments to revenue already recognised following the outcome of a review, appeal or objection process can either result in a change in an accounting estimate, or a correction of an error.
As per the scope, this Interpretation of the Standards of GRAP clarifies the accounting for adjustments to exchange and non-exchange revenue charged in terms of legislation or similar means, and interest and penalties that arise from revenue already recognised as a result of the completion of a review, appeal or objection process. Changes to the measurement of receivables and payables, other than those changes arising from applying this Interpretation, are dealt with in accordance with the applicable Standards of GRAP. The principles in this Interpretation may be applied, by analogy, to the accounting for adjustments to exchange or non-exchange revenue that arises from contractual arrangements where the fact patterns are similar to those in the Interpretation.
The interpretation sets out the issues and relating consensus with accounting for adjustments to revenue.

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