Page 239 - CAO Handbook 2024 Entry
P. 239
Eagles perch in high trees and can see far into the distance.This enables them to plan effectively. They are quick to swoop down on their prey.
Eagle people focus on the whole picture rather than the details, and they value their ‘hunches’ or gut feelings. They are good at working with complicated ideas. They tend to work in bursts of energy and to do things their own way. When dealing with people or groups of people, they may have deep understanding and insight into their situations. They usually prefer to make decisions using their heads rather than their hearts, as they value justice and fairness.
Eagle people are also excited by possibilities, by how things could be done differently and better.
Statistics show that Eagle people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination, you could probably succeed at almost anything.
Administration .......................................59 Education................................................79 Engineering ............................................85 Housing Development.........................107 Human Resources/Industrial Relations ..108 Humanities ........................................... 114 InformationTechnology and Computer Science ................................................. 117 Management and Planning.................135 Medicine, Medical Technology ............ 160 Public Relations and Marketing..........169 Science and Mathematics ...................177 Services to the Community ................187 Social Sciences/Legal Services...........190 Technology and Processing ................195 Tourism/Hospitality.............................. 196 Visual Arts and Design ........................206
Honeyguides are different from other creatures – they communicate with people and animals, leading them to the bees’ nest so that they can get honey. They make sure that the route they show them is safe and one that they can follow.
Honeyguide people are warm and enthusiastic, value their ‘hunches’ and gut feelings and are ruled more by their hearts than their heads. They are good at communicating with others, and they often want to save those who are in trouble. Honeyguide people like to live their lives according to the things that are important to them. Although they are usually gentle, they get angry when others do not respect what is important to them. For this reason, Honeyguide people often find themselves in situations where they are defending causes,
organising people or involved in communication.
Statistics show that Honey- guide people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination, you could probably succeed at almost anything.
Communication/Journalism .................72 Education................................................79 Housing Development.........................107 Human Resources/Industrial Relations ..108 Humanities ........................................... 114 InformationTechnology and Computer Science ................................................. 117 Management and Planning.................135 Medicine, Medical Technology ............ 160 Para-medical ........................................165 Public Relations and Marketing..........169 Science and Mathematics ...................177 Services to the Community ................187 Social Sciences/Legal Services...........190 Technology and Processing ................195 Tourism/Hospitality.............................. 196 Transport ..............................................204 Visual Arts and Design ........................206
CAUTION: There are exceptions, but most Honeyguide people may not be comfortable in the following careers: • Administration & Management • Accounting/ Financial Management • Manufacturing • Construction/Surveying. REMEMBER: Honeyguide people will not be happy if they do not believe in what they are doing.