Page 24 - Playhouse Annual Report 2021:22
P. 24

Deficit for the year
The deficit of R10m for the year was mainly attributable to depreciation and amortisation costs and increased production expenditure.
 100 000 90 000 80 000 70 000 60 000 50 000 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 000
Revenue vs Expenditure
Total Revenue
2021 Total Expenditure
   Financial Position
The Playhouse Company reflected a positive financial position at year end.
• The decrease in non-current assets by R6m is primarily due to the depreciation and amortisations charges.
• Current assets increased by R4.5m and this were primarily as a result of an increase in cash and cash equivalents.
• Non-Current liabilities increased by R9m. This was primarily due an increase in deferred income
• Current liabilities decreased by R0.5m. This was primarily due a reduction in trade and other receivables.
 300 000 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000
50 000 0
Financial Position
                   Non-current assets
Non-current assets - non cash
Current assets - cash
Non-current liabilities
Current liabilities
   22 The Playhouse Company

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