Page 49 - Playhouse Annual Report 2021:22
P. 49

If any action or potential action transgresses any of the above it is likely that it will be considered unethical behaviour.
Where it is found that the staff member has breached the Ethics Policy and/or the Code of Conduct Policy, the normal human resources grievance and disciplinary procedures will be followed.
13. Health, Safety and Environmental Issues
The Playhouse Company annually performs an assessment of compliance to health and safety regulations. The outcome of the investigation informs The Playhouse Company on the relevant improvement actions to implement.
Compliance with the health and safety regulations forms one of the key performance indicators in the Support Services Manager’s annual performance plan.
The Playhouse Company is fully compliant with all health and safety regulations.
14. Social Responsibility
The mission of The Playhouse Company is to advance, promote and preserve the performing arts by staging productions with entertainment and educational values to diverse audiences.
The Playhouse Company sees its mission as its social responsibility.
The Playhouse Company’s arts programme is geared to deliver on its social responsibility.
Among all the programmes geared to social responsibility, the mobile stage is used to take the outreach programmes to the outlying rural areas where people do not have access to the theatre to see staged performances. Some of these people see a live performance on a stage for the first time and are overwhelmed.
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