Page 70 - Playhouse Annual Report 2021:22
P. 70

 Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 Notes to the Annual Financial Statements (continued)
2.2 Reconciliation of carrying value of property, plant and equipment
              Motor vehicles
Mainte- nance spares
Office furniture and other equipment
Computer equipment
Stage equipment
Workshop equip- ment
Capitalised leased assets (land and buildings)
Capitalised leased assets (office equip and other fixtures)
          Carrying amount 1 April 2020
Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation WIP
Depreciation Depreciation write-back Disposals
Accumulated depreciation
Carrying amount 31 March 2021
Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation WIP
Depreciation Depreciation write-back Disposals
Accumulated depreciation
Carrying amount 31 March 2022
Gross carrying amount
Accumulated depreciation
1 144 507
27 058
2267943       3 481 390
35 103 877
106 235 33 463 508 24 343 433       99 937 952
 4 440 020 (3 295 513) -
    27 058 -
     13 862 103 (11 594 160) -
   6 535 449 (3 054 059) -
  79 179 030 (44 075 153) -
    588 837 (482 602) -
       66 807 979 (33 641 360) 296 889
   70 680 235 (46 617 637) 280 835
    242 120 710 (142 760 483) 577 724
    - - -
(471 083) 166 767 -
       - (303) -
- - -
           760 551 69 782 -
(1 054 442) 947 086 (12)
     883 459 - -
(1 338 437) 429 786 -
 7 454 - -
(6 750 032) 9 270 269 (179)
       - - -
(67 450) 105 031 -
           4 216 288 296 889 (296 889)
(3 955 935) -
(2 322 944)
      160 731
(69 782) 2 057 384 (7 890 114)
1 242 815 (8 479)
      6 028 483 296 586 1 760 495
(21 527 492) 12 161 754 (2 331 614)
      - -
        (68 075) 68 063
   - -
  (722 705) 722 526
   - -
     (4 513 177) 2 190 233
    (20 349) 11 870
    (5 324 307) 2 992 693
  840 191
26 755
2 990 908
3 456 199
37 631 389
143 816 31 400 918 19 835 987
96 326 163
 4 440 020 (3 599 829) -
    26 755 -
       14 624 361 (11 633 453) -
    7 418 908 (3 962 709) -
  78 463 779 (40 832 390) -
    588 837 (445 021) -
       66 807 979 (35 407 061) -
     70 750 834 (53 253 066) 2 338 219
     243 121 473 (149 133 529) 2 338 219
    - - -
(464 809) 342 357 (2 166)
 298 524 - -
(1 098 007) 285 698 (54 932)
     76 955 - -
(1 386 773) 298 472 (22 671)
 520 856 - -
(6 534 695) 3 780 865 (30 206)
       - - -
(55 515) 5 451 (1)
           - - -
(3 280 466) -
      154 797 - (1 591 912)
(6 439 874) 5 767 381 (35 259)
      1 051 132 - (1 591 912)
(19 260 140) 10 480 224 (145 235)
      (44 155) 41 989
        (939 342) 884 410
   (429 073) 406 402
  (1 221 200) 1 190 994
   (868) 867
     - -
    (290 169) 254 910
    (2 924 807) 2 779 572
  Land and buildings comprise of:
1. Rem of Portion 3 of ERF 615 of Brickfield 2. Portion 3 of ERF 10635 of Durban
715 573
26 755
2 422 191
2 422 182
35 368 209
93 751 28 120 451 17 691 120
86 860 232
 4 395 865 (3 680 292) -
    26 755 -
       13 983 543 (11 561 352)
    7 066 790 (4 644 608) -
  77 763 435 (42 395 226) -
    587 969 (494 218)
       66 807 979 (38 687 528)
     70 615 462 (53 670 649) 746 307
     241 247 798 (155 133 873) 746 307
   The land and buildings is registered in the name of the Department of Public Works. The Playhouse Company leases the land and buildings from The Department of Public Works for no consideration.
The useful life, depreciation method and residual values of assets is reassessed on an annual basis, and adjustments are processed when necessary.
Maintenance expenditure amounted to R4 276 844 (2021 : R2,494,768) for external service providers. Salaries for In-house maintenance staff amounted to R4,844,505 (2021 : R4,988,126).
No property, plant and equipment are pledged as security.
68 The Playhouse Company
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