Page 111 - CAO Handbook 2023
P. 111

Programme name
Programme code
Closing date
Min points
Minimum entry requirements
Entry term
Course duration
Access route
B Architectural Studies
30 Sep
30 NSC
Deg with Maths 5 and and and Engl and and and LO 4 and and and one of: Bus Stud Stud Cons Stud Stud Drama Arts Econ Geog Hist InfoTech Life Sci
Music Religion Stud Vis Arts Any lang HL/FAL 5 1
3 yrs
You will be required to submit
a a a a a a portfolio of creative work an an essay and complete a a a a a a a a questionnaire Please contact 031 260 2094 or email Winfredn1@ukzn ac za for details
Matric Exemption
B Consumer Science: Extension & Rural Development
30 Sep
Deg with Engl and and LO 4 4 and and Life Sci
OR Agric Sci
4 4 1
4 yrs
First preference will be given to applicants who never studied previously at any other university
30 Matric Exemption
with Engl 'E' HG/'D' SG and Biol or Physiol 'E' HG/'D' SG B Soc Sc Housing
30 Sep
Deg with Engl and and LO 4 and and one of: Bus Stud Cons Stud Dram Arts Econ Geog Hist Info Tech Life Sci
Maths Maths Lit Music Religion Stud Vis Arts any lang HL/FAL 5 1
3 yrs
Matric Exemption
Bachelor Built Environment: Urban and Regional Planning
30 Sep
Deg with Engl HL 4/FAL 5 and and Maths 4 4 and and one of the ff: Geog Hist Phys Sci
or Life Sci
4 4 and one 20 credit subject 4 4 1
3 yrs
See *NOTE 1
Matric Exemption
with Engl 1st lang 'D' HG/'C' SG or 2nd lang 'B' HG/'C' SG SG AND AND Maths 'E' HG/'D' SG SG AND AND one of: Geog Hist Biol Phys Sci
'D' HG/'C' SG NC(V) 4 with Engl and and Maths 60% and and one of: Geog Hist Life Sci/Biol Phys Sci
70% and one additional subject (not a a a a language) 70% Bachelor of the Built Environment in Architecture
30 Sep
Deg with Engl HL/FAL 4 4 and Maths 4 4 1
3 yrs
See *NOTE 2 below
Senior Cert with Engl and Maths 'D' HG/'C' SG NC(V) 4 with 80% 80% in in Engl and 80% 80% in in Maths * NOTE 1: First preference will be be given to applicants who never studied previously at at at at any other university
The closing date
for this programme is is 30 September 2022 We regret that applications received after this this date
can not be be considered Prospective Prospective students students may be be required to to sit for for a a a a a a a a a a a suitable placement test as part of the entry requirement to to this this programme Prospective Prospective students students that qualify for for degree study at at at at an an institution of higher learning but do not meet the the departmental Maths Maths requirement may present the the following N4 subjects for for consideration for for entry to this degree programme: Maths Maths and Engineering Science with a minimum of 50% * NOTE 2: First preference will be given to to applicants who never studied previously at any other university
Other recommended subjects (not compulsory): Technology History Art Technical Drawing Geography Physics In addition addition to to to to the the the requirements
above the the the top 300 applicants will be required to to to to undergo a a a a a a a a test test for selection purposes The weighted results from this test test in addition addition to to to to their Trials mathematics mathematics marks for those students yet to to complete their their NSC
or or or the the the the the the mathematics mathematics results achieved in in in their their senior certificate if if already awarded will be used to to determine offers of of places in in in the the the the the the programme based on
a a a a a a a a a a a ranking ranking of of of these combined results Preference will will be given to to applicants placing Architecture
at DUT as as their 1st choice This will will also apply to to the the the ranking ranking of of of offers DU DU – – – DUT/ D-ML SULTAN/STEVE BIKO • • KN – – – UKZN: H-HOWARD COLLEGE • • ZU ZU – – – UNIZULU: M-KWA-DLANGEZWA

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