Page 185 - CAO Handbook 2023
P. 185
Programme name
Programme code
Closing date
Min points
Minimum entry requirements
Entry term
Course duration
Access route
Diploma in in Clothing Management
30 Sep
Dip with Engl HL/FAL 3 and three 20 credit subjects (not more than one lang) 3 1 3 yrs
First preference will be given to applicants who never studied previously at any other university Applicants are required to write a a a selection test
Senior Cert with Engl and three other subjects (not more than one lang) ‘E’ HG/’C’ SG
NC(V) 4 with 50% in Engl Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology
30 Sep
Dip with Engl HL/FAL 3 and and Phys Sci 4 4 and and Maths 4 4 1 3 yrs
First preference will be given to applicants who never studied previously at any other university This programme
might move to the the PMB campus during the the course of studies
Senior Cert with Engl and and Maths and and Phys Sci 'D' HG/'B' SG
NC(V) 4 with 50% in in Engl and and 60% in in Maths and and Phys Sci Diploma in Textile Technology
30 Sep
Dip with Engl HL/FAL 4 4 AND Maths 3 and Phys Sci 4 4 OR Maths 4 and Phys Sci 3 1 3 yrs
See *NOTE 1 below
Senior Cert with Engl and and Maths and and Phys Sci 'E' HG/'D' SG
NC(V) 4 with 50% in in Engl and and 60% in in Maths and and Phys Sci DU DU – DUT: D-ML SULTAN/STEVE BIKO
* NOTE 1: First preference will will be be given to to applicants who never studied previously at at any other university Applicants will will be be required to to write the the DUT SATAP SATAP English Literacy test
and SATAP SATAP Maths & Science assessment with with no special consideration (Mature age applicants industry experience and and letter from employer may be conditionally accepted) Notwithstanding the the minimum NSC
above the the sum of an an an an applicant's achievement rating for for Maths Maths + Physical Physical Science Science must be be be greater than or or or or or equal to to 7 to to be be be eligible for for the the 3 year Diploma inTextileTechnology Either Maths Maths or or or or or Physical Physical Science Science should be be be at at at at at 'D' SG
or or or or or 'E' HG to be eligible for the Diploma inTextileTechnology CAO HANDBOOK ENTRY 2023