Page 207 - CAO Handbook 2023
P. 207

Programme Access Route Reference
Programme Code
Course Duration
Minimum Entry Requirements
Closing Date
Additional Notes
Access Course Building
1 yr
NSC Dip with Engl HL 4/FAL 3 and and Maths and and Phys Sci 3 OR Senior Cert with Engl and and Maths and and Phys Sci 'F' HG/'E' SG
OR N3 with Maths and Phys Sci or Engineering Science and Grade 12 Engl SG
OR NC(V) with Engl and and and Maths and and and Phys Sci 4 and and and Construction Construction Materials and ConstructionTechnology 6
30 Sep
This course may not be repeated Contact 031 819 9299 or or email: info@mut ac za for more details
Access Course Chemical Engineering C MN-M-CEB
NSC Dip with Home Lang 4 and and FAL 3 and and Maths and Phys Sci 3 OR Senior Cert with Engl and and Maths and and Phys Sci 'F' HG/'E' SG
OR N3 or N4 with a a minimum of 50% in in Maths and and Eng Eng Sci and and Grade 12 Engl SG
OR NC(V) 4 4 with 40% in Engl and and Maths and and 50% in Phys Sci OR GCE GCSE GCSE IGCSE or Cambridge School Certificate with 5 subjects at at O Levels including Maths and and Sci and and Engl A/B/C Three of the five must be passed in in the same exam sitting
30 Sep
Contact 031 819 9299 or email: info@mut ac za for more details
The closing date for this programme is is is 30 Sep
This course may not be repeated Access Course Civil Engineering D MN-M-CVB
NSC Dip with Home Lang 4 and and FAL 3 and and Maths and Phys Sci 3 OR Senior Cert with Engl 'E' and Phys Sci or or Maths 'F' HG/'E' SG
OR N3 with Maths and and Phys Sci and and Grade 12 Engl SG
OR GCE GCSE GCSE IGCSE or Cambridge School Certificate with 5 subjects at at O Levels including Maths and and Sci and and Engl A/B/C Three of the five must be passed in in the same exam sitting
30 Sep
Contact 031 819 9299 or email: info@mut ac za for more details
The closing date for this programme is is is 30 Sep
This course may not be repeated CAO HANDBOOK ENTRY 2023

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