Page 219 - CAO Handbook 2023
P. 219
RED RED – Many RED RED answers suggest that you you enjoy your own space and work well on your own Be careful of of jobs in which you you will have a a a lot of of contact with people!
For each description circle either the the grey or or red side 6 1 FIND OUT WHAT YOU'RE GOOD AT AT Rate three of the following interests that sound like you!
A Scientifically minded
B A teacher trainer leader who enjoys serving or or caring for people C Creative and imaginative – perhaps artistic or musical
D Accurate good with numbers and calculations
E Someone who loves language and writing
F Business minded
and persuasive
G Orderly organised and time orientated
H Technically minded
'Study focused'
'Practically minded'
Someone who enjoys studying and theory
Someone who enjoys doing
Someone who enjoys memorising work Someone who enjoys working with their hands
Well read Realistic and and handy
Academically talented
A practical thinker
Someone who loves book learning
Interested in in in knowing how how things work or how to do tasks
Here are are some ideas of the the careers these interests could lead you to A Marine Biology Biological Sciences Geography Agriculture Nature Conservation Animal Science Science Computer Science/InformationTechnology Food Technology etc B Teaching Management Medicine Nursing Social Work Psychology Dentistry Optometry Radiography Occupational Therapy Policing etc C Performing Arts Fine Art Art Graphic Design Design Interior Design Design Photography Video Technology etc D Accounting and Bookkeeping Financial Financial Information Systems Financial Financial Management Taxation Auditing etc E Journalism Media Translation Interpretation etc F Management Marketing Public Relations etc G Administration Office Management Secretarial Computer Studies etc H Engineering Operations Management Surveying Building etc Which side have you got more circled descriptions in?
GREY GREY – If you you have circled more GREY GREY descriptions then perhaps you you will like the courses on offer at university RED RED – If you you chose more of the the RED RED options then you you may prefer courses on on offer at at universities of of technology or Technical Vocational and Education Training (TVET) colleges But be careful – this is is not always the case Find out how much study and memorising versus practical work and in-situation training is involved in in in in in the study direction you choose CAO HANDBOOK ENTRY 2023