Page 234 - CAO Handbook 2023
P. 234
6 5 Applicants with Disabilities
The South African Constitution recognises the human rights of all South Africans including those with disabilities Discrimination on on the the basis of disability is is is is against the the law and persons with disabilities are included in in in the category of previously disadvantaged in in in terms of the country’s transformation agenda Persons with disabilities therefore need to to be given equal opportunities to to access post- school education and training so that they too may achieve their full potential According to Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on on on the Rights of Persons Persons with with Disabilities
(2007) “Persons with with disabilities include those who have long-term physical mental intellectual or or sensory impairments which in in in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in in society on on an an equal basis with others ” The South African White Paper on on the the Rights of of Persons with Disabilities
(2015) reiterates the the rights of of persons with disabilities including the right to access education at at all levels School-leavers with disabilities are encouraged to contact organisations of persons with disabilities the disability rights unit or or student support services department of the institution at which they they wish to to study if they they have any queries about access to to studies School-leavers with disabilities are also encouraged to inform the institution’s disability rights unit or or student support department about their their access needs prior to beginning their their studies so that the the the necessary reasonable accommodation can be arranged It is hoped that we will see increasing numbers of students with disabilities at at all post-school education institutions – it it is your right to access education!
Contact details Deaf Federation of South Africa (DeafSA)
Odette Swift (Director: Deaf Education) 074 186 6338 deafeducation@deafsa co za
QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA)
Raven Benny (CEO) 031 767 0348/ 52 info@qasa co za
Autism South Africa Vicky Lamb (National Education Facilitator) 011 484 9909
info@autismsouthafrica org Rosemary Shezi (KZN)
071 360 4034 kwazulu-natal@autismsouthafrica org KZN Blind and Deaf Society
Pearl Ramotsamai (Social Work Manager) 031 309 4991 socialwork1@bdskzn org za
National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities
Therina Wentzel
083 255 6854 therina wentzel@ncppdsa org za
South African Disability Alliance (SADA)
nationaldirector no@epilepsy org za