Page 7 - CSERI Annual Review eBook
P. 7

    • Centre response to unrest 2021
The unrest of 2021 began with a strike in which people were dissatisfied for numerous socioeconomic reasons. Some linked it to political factors, economic difficulties, and unemployment. This discontent spiraled out of control so rapidly that no one could effectively anticipate or foresee what would occur. As a DUT-based incubator, we moved swiftly to secure our facilities and all of our equipment. We ensured that our employees remained at home and did not participate in any strike-related activities. Our DUT security team deserves praise for successfully securing all of our facilities, as none of our infrastructure was damaged.
• How entrepreneurs survived unrest
CSERI swiftly contacted all its SMMEs in order to determine who was directly or indirectly impacted by the unrest. Staff were able to visit SMMEs that were directly affected by the unrest first. The assistance they required to re-establish their firms included counseling, mentoring, and financial aid. The majority of its SMMEs were indirectly impacted by the unrest due to supply chain disruptions. Since the striking individuals targeted large corporations, SMEs were left without a supplier to furnish them with the inventory. The majority of our SMMEs responded by searching for new suppliers. The only catch was that the majority of alternative suppliers were located outside of the province, and ordering from them meant incurring substantial high raw material or sales costs. However, it can be reported that the majority of CSERI’s SMMEs have recovered and are making consistent business improvements.
• Centre operations after hard lockdown
COVID-19 was really a catastrophe for most of our SMMEs. The South African government responded with some of the most stringent measures to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The 2020/2021 financial year was the most difficult year for our SMMEs and the Incubator. Most of our SMMEs had to pivot and started other new ventures which were categorized as essential businesses. In the 2021/2022 financial year most of the Covid-19 restrictions were gradually relaxed allowing SMMEs to venture into their traditional businesses and steadily grow them. As for the CSERI operations, all our service offerings were in full swing as we were able to visit and interact without SMMEs. Business development workshops commenced and were conducted in outsourced Covid-19-compliant buildings.
• Incubating with purpose: CSERI before and today
The DUT CSERI was established in 2015 as a small business incubator with only two workers, specializing in the growth of SMMEs in the apparel, textile, footwear, and leather industries. Over the course of seven years, more than 5,000 SMMEs have been incubated, mentored, and coached by the Incubator, which has steadily grown to employ roughly ten permanent staff. The incubator has established an innovation space and a maker space since its inception. Using CSERI’s maker space, SMMEs are able to rapidly develop prototypes. During this brief time period, the Incubator has earned numerous awards and continues to serve as a precedent for other incubators in South Africa.
• Favorite quote
“It is not a mistake to make a mistake but it is a mistake to repeat a mistake.”

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