Page 104 - TKZN Annual Report 2024
P. 104
Trading as Tourism KwaZulu-Natal
Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2024
Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts
Budget on Cash Basis
Statement of Financial Performance
Revenue from exchange
Other income *
Revenue from non-exchange transactions
Revenue from non-excchange transactions
Services received in-kind #
Transfer revenue
Government grants & subsidies *
Figures in Rand
Approved budget R ‘000
Adjustments R ‘000
Final Budget R ‘000
Actual amounts on comparable basis R ‘000
Difference between final budget and actual R ‘000
384 2 904 3 288 3 458 170
Project income-Non discretional - grant
Total revenue from non- exchange transactions
Total revenue Expenditure
- - - 1 650 1 650
150 890 9 669 160 559 151 490 (9 069)
- 42 213 42 213 23 754 (18 459)
150 890 51 882 202 772 176 894 (25 878)
151 274 54 786 206 060 180 352 (25 708)
(9 526) (1 484) (11 010) (10 394) 616
Office of the CEO *
Tourism Information Services B
Tourism Development C
Marketing Department *
Total expenditure
Operating surplus
Capital Expenditure E
Surplus/(deficit) for the year
Actual Amount on Comparable Basis as Presented in the Budget and Actual Comparative Statement
Public Relations and Communication
(26 523) (617) (27 140) (24 315) 2 825
(12 091) (19 984) (32 075) (10 750) 21 325
(37 728) (8 406) (46 134) (43 478) 2 656
(14 056) (22 405) (36 461) (38 411) (1 950)
* Convention Bureau * Corporate Services D
(14 744) (5 124) (19 868) (17 910) 1 958
(35 606) 4 101 (31 505) (29 282) 2 223
(150 274) (53 919) (204 193) (174 540) 29 653
1 000 867 1 867 5 812 3 945
(1 000) (867) (1 867) (1 520) 347
- - - 4 292 4 292
- - - 4 292 4 292