Page 137 - TKZN Annual Report 2024
P. 137
Trading as Tourism KwaZulu-Natal
Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2024
Notes to the Annual Financial Statements
Figures in Rand Thousand
23. Directors Remuneration Executive
Post termination benefit (Provident fund) 238 - 154 -
Post termination benefit (Provident fund) 214 - - 139 353
Short term Termination benefits benefits 510 - 4 100 675 - 129 -
152 -
1 470 100
Short term Termination benefits benefits 712 - 2 155 8 - 518 - 1 240 155
Ms. P. Makwakwa Mr. M. Daza
Mr. N .Khumalo Mr. S. Gumbi Mrs. F. Abdool Kader
Ms. P. Makwakwa Mr. L.Sidaki
Mr. M. Daza
Mr. N. Khumalo
Basic salary
1 604 770 1 037 -
3 411 Basic salary
1 426 720 967 930 4 043
2 352 874 1 866 129
5 373 Total
2 352 877 975 1 587 5 791
During the period under review the following changes occured in Executive management:
1) Mr. N. Khumalo who was an acting Chief Executive Officer was placed on special leave during the period under review. Mr. S. Gumbi was seconded from the controlling department EDTEA to fill the role in an acting capacity. Included in short term benefits, is his acting allowance.
2) Mr. Daza’s contract came to an end, and Mrs. F. Abdool Kader was seconded from Ithala Development Finance Corporation Limited (an entity under the same control of EDTEA) to fill the Chief Financial Officer role in an acting capacity. Included in short term benefits, is her acting allowance which is paid to her employer. The secondment services received from the Acting CEO and CFO are included in the revenue from non-exhange transactions.