Page 49 - TKZN Annual Report 2024
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 given on condition that the development is restricted within the environmental authorization, conditions and activities that were issued by Environmental Affairs on the 6th of May 2013.
The adherence to such conditions was important to ensure that this phase of development doesn’t trigger the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) requirements as this would cause a delay of the project. Therefore, amendments were made to the scope of the project to ensure that it fell within the environmental authorization conditions.
Finally, the appointment of the main contractor and SMMEs for subcontracting is ongoing and it should be finalised and construction done in the 2024/25 financial year.
Ntsikeni Nature Reserve - Ntsikeni Lodge and May Lodge
The Ntsikeni Nature Reserve, located in Griqualand East, is the largest and highest wetland in South Africa and is regarded as a crucial breeding ground for a number of endangered bird species.
In 2023 the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) budgeted R3.4 million for the preparation of a feasibility study into the renovation of two lodges within this reserve and for the establishment of the Ntsikeni Nature Reserve Community Trust, with the Harry Gwala District Development Agency considered as the implementing agent.
The feasibility study was completed in April 2023 and EDTEA has set about registering the Ntsikeni Community Trust to ensure that the proposed refurbishments and site development is done through the legal representative of the community. The project now awaits a determination from the Department of Economic Development, Tourism & Environmental Affairs as to how best to proceed once the trust is legally established. Once institutional arrangements have been concluded, the implementation of the refurbishment of the lodges will commence in the 2024/25 financial year.
Ntabamhlope Tourism Study
During the 2023/24 financial year, a Tourism Study was conducted to identify and assess the viability of tourism development opportunities at Ntabamhlophe, in the Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipal area. The plan will serve as a framework to guide the Ntabamhlope community and local municipality regarding the potential development of sustainable tourism initiatives which will promote economic development.
Shakaland Cultural and Adventure Resort
Shakaland, located in Eshowe, is earmarked for investment by the National Empowerment Fund (NEF). Numerous engagements have taken place between the NEF, EDTEA and TKZN. To adhere to the requirements of the potential investor the entity provided support with reviewal of the project development plans, the Order of Magnitude assessment, financial forecasting and the revised business plan. The revised business plan was completed and submitted in December 2023 and presented to NEF for funding. A due diligence assessment, which is part of the approval process, is currently under way.
Enterprise Development
Market Access
During this period, a total of 48 small businesses were assisted with market access opportunities and these included the following:
Number of Enterprises
WTM Africa
Rand Show
Africa’s Travel Indaba
Spotlight Travel Expo Lusaka
Spotlight Travel Expo Nairobi
Homestays – Airbnb Marketplace
SAT West Africa Product Workshop
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