Page 18 - PipelineAprMayJun2021
P. 18

       by Kelsey Khoury
In the heart of any good Asset Management System are the processes that hold it together. This article will be reviewing the nine Reliability Engineering (RE) processes that have been implemented and are being used at the REO Plant. The purpose of the RE processes is to better maintain assets (equipment) throughout their lifecycle. Each process has three related documents: a workflow, roles and responsibilities (RASI) chart, and a procedure. These documents can be found in Adept and copies are also on the Asset Management Intranet SharePoint page.
RE-01 Asset Data Collection
• Purpose: Document and ensure accuracy of all known information about the assets within the scope of the asset management system.
• Products:
• Complete&accurateassetregister
• Static/nameplate information of assets
• As-built drawings
• Correctequipmenttags
RE-02 Asset Hierarchy Development
• Purpose: Organize the assets into a hierarchy to make it easier to locate assets within the computer maintenance management system (Mapcon). The subsystem level is used to run equipment through RE-03 through RE-08. This is to group assets that work together to perform a function and make running through the processes more efficient.
• Products:
• Assetregisterorganizedintohierarchal structure
• Organized asset register uploaded to CMMS/GIS
RE-03 Asset Criticality Assessment
• Purpose: Rank subsystems
based on a series of
questions to determine
how critical they are to the
system. These scores are
used to prioritize which
subsystems are taken
through the other RE
processes first and which
receive the most attention
when determining
maintenance and operation strategies.
• Products:
• Asset register ranked based on criticality
• Scores uploaded to CMMS/GIS for work prioritization
RE-04 Control Strategy Development
• Purpose: Sorts subsystems into groups based on their criticality ranking. A failure modes and effects analysis and asset management plan will be developed for the most critical subsystems. The lesser critical subsystems will be assigned maintenance plans based on the manufacturer’s recommendation.
• Products:
• Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
• Risk mitigation activities
• Asset Management Plans (AMPs)
RE-05 Critical Spares Evaluation
• Purpose: Determine which spare parts are
the most beneficial to keep onsite versus
in vendor consignment. This is done by comparing the monetized risk of downtime if a part is not onsite when needed with the cost of holding that spare part in stores.
• Products:
• List of spare parts to keep onsite
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