Page 16 - Life Coaching Today January 2021
P. 16

  I feel as though small actions will grow into large ripple effects. The more brands, and especially those of us who are just starting to contribute to the industry, that start from a more considered place around environmental impact and the regeneration and growth of local trades and manufacturing, the more valid reasons there will be for customers to choose slow, small fashion brands that uphold their integrity. This is the anthesis of the fast-fashion houses that have drowned out the local manufacturing industry over the past 20 years.
.ycnerapsnart dna ytirgetni no flesti edirp lliw dnarb nyiiK ruO
.tnemnorivne ruo no evah ot eunitnoc lliw evah )gnigakcap dna sonomik( snoitaerc ym tceffe eht tuoba erac dna maet ym ot segaw riaf yap ot skool taht dnarb gnihtolc decudorp dna ,dengised yllacol ,elttil a gnitrats yb niarg eht tsniaga
gniog m'I ekil leef I .yadot stsixe taht erutan taorhttuc eht tcaretnuoc ot yaw llams ym sa pu dnuorg eht morf ssenisub siht detrats I .yrtsudni noihsaF eht nihtiw gnissim si elohw a sa ytirgetni taht leef hcum yrev I
.gnikrow dna ybab ym htiw emit gnidneps ecnalab ot noitpo rehtona rof ylsseldne dehcraes I .yrtsudni noihsaf eht ot nruter reven dluow I erows I ,ybab tsrif ym dah I nehW
.nosaes gnidliub egnar eht gnirud mp 9 litnu gnikrow saw I .krow decap-tsaf ,nuf ni ronoh fo egdab a sa ti erow dna "ysub" gnieb deulav I .reyM dna ,enoJ divaD ,ailartsuA ni ereh sreliater
egral gniylppus seinapmoc tnempoleved tcudorp rof gnikrow nageb neht I .eman a fo ekas eht rof egaw muminim no krow ot detcepxe erew ew tub ,snaicisum taerg emos htiw gnikrow ,enizagam enots gnilloR
rof tsilyts a sa dekrow I .teem sdne ekam em depleh taht gnihtyna gnikat ,rehtona ot boj tnasaelpnu eno morf deppiks I ,tniop taht retfA
.raey a retfa tsuj boj eht tfel I .hgih yrev saw revonrut ffats ehT !sksed ruo morf yawa emit eht ro hsac eht droffa t'ndluoc ew esuaceb yltsom hcnul deppiks ew dna ,srac yruxul evord ssob yM .syad tsom mp 7 - ma 03:8 dekrow dna egaw muminim woleb llew diap saw I .emit siht gnirud seuqilppa yrediorbme dna ,sniuqes ,sdaeb ,sklis enif ,snoitacirbaf ,sliated etacirtni rof evol ym werg I
.tsif nori emas eht htiw aidnI dna anihC ni seirotcaf sih deganam eH .enil fo tuo deppets ew fi su ssimsid ot staerht gnisu yb eciffo daeh maet lrig eerht sih deganam ssob yM .naginniD etteloC ,E iuqcaJ ,oH asiL ,eraB ,ohW yrraH/ssorG egroeG - srengised euqituob rof gnikrow esoryaW htiw elor tnempoleved tcudorp a dednal yllanif I dna ,sreilppus senoJ divaD dna lrigstropS rof sesuoheraw egral ni )lortnoc ytilauq ( AQ ,krow noitcudorp ,selas elaselohW

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