Page 31 - Life Coaching Today January 2021
P. 31

 1. Study how to design a blog.
4. Begin blogging
5. Start marketing
6. Constantly observe the coming ins and outs of readers and get updates. Then, scale your results.
7. Modify if required
8. Aim to be constant with your topic all the time.
9. Try to have separate topics with extensive and wide fascination.
10. Plan updates constantly.
Once you have made all these things, you can now eventually enjoy the advantages of business blogging.
2. Pick a topic.
3. Learn the following safety standards in blogging:
  eb dluow yadsruhT dna ,yadsendeW ,yadnoM
.ytilanosrep s'ynapmoc eht hctam ot seunitnoc ti sa gnol sa etis golb
.gnitekram ot gniog erofeb stsop 02 etirW
.llew sa ,sretekram tenretni dna gnitekram rof loot elbaulav a si tI .noitacilppa redaer SSR eht hguorht daer nac uoy hcihw ,sdeef etadpu swen rof SSR esu nac uoy ,suorepsorp eb ot siht roF
.ti esu ot seeyolpme eripsnI ,dna ;seulav sucof s'ynapmoc eht nehtgnertS
.ssenisub elbissop snaem ciffart eroM .sgolb ruoy ot gnitniop ,etisbew
;hserf dna ,tnetsisnoc ,etad ot pu tnetnoc teG ;sredaer ruoy morf ffo yhs lliw uoy ro ,golb gnitekram detagitimnu edavE ;cilbup edam eb ot dettimrep era atad tahw dna golb ot sekat ohw no
ruoy gnirevocsid elpoep fo seitilibissop retaerg evah uoy ,yaw siht nI .ciffart enigne hcraes eht ni gnidnats gniknar hgih etaerc ot sesarhp drowyek elbaulav esU .sniag tsetaerg eht teg ot sgolb ruoy htiw noitcennoc ni ,oot ,yrassecen
stimil dehsilbatse ;seicilop gniggolb ngiseD ;ssenisub ecneulfni thgim sgolb woh no srotartsinimda roines eht gnitcurtsni rof elbatnuocca era dleif lagel dna noitamrofni etaroproC ;seitilibissop fo snoitatimil dna sremialcsid dda ot refas si ti ;gniggolb ni dedulcni semitemos era srettam lageL
.pu selacs ssenisub ruoy revocsid ot gnitapicitna ,renroc eht dnuora tsuj era seitinutroppo gnitekraM .yad yreve htrae no wohs edart laitneulfni tsom eht ni htoob sgnittes a ekil si golb A
.setadpu rof yldetaeper no kcilc dna ,txen eht ot no evom ,golb ruoy tisiv ;ni gnipmuj sresu niatniam ot detadpu yltnatsnoc era dna ecnellecxe htiw egdelwonk evisulcxe edulcni sgolb ruoy taht niatrec eB .LRU ruoy ,sgolb ruoy htiw ni kcits ot tcelgen ton oD .stsil dna setisbew hcraes golb ot sgolb .sesoprup ruoy gnitteg yb sgolb ssenisub ruoy ecnavda tes eht etisoppo gniog eb yam seussi ylevitca ,stneve gnitekram laicifeneb erom roF
ecnis ssendednim-nepo dna ytilitasrev ruoy
fo tset a eb dluow tI .slaog ssenisub ruoy htiw .tekramrepus eht ot
.stnemeriuqer dna noitacifitnedi s'ynapmoc eht teem ot etis golb ruoy tuoyal dna nalp ot tsitra ruoy tseuqer nac uoy ,ecivres golb decnavda rof tpo uoy fi tuB
.setalpmet dengised-erp sedivorp gnitsoh golB
.sgolb ruoy gnitaerc nigeb won nac uoy ,llew tnew sgolb htiw tuo yrt tsrif ruoy fI
tset .sgolb gnitadpu rof elbatius tsom a rof yawa thgir sgolb suoremun puteS
.aedi na uoy edivorp ot ,oot ,desab-remusnoc era taht sgolb gnidaer ruoy ni ddA !meht nraeL ;gniggolb fo st'nod dna s'od eht no elpoep
.laog ruoy niatta uoy pleh lliw gniggolb fi ediced dna eht no saedi ruoy htiw yalp syawla nac uoY slaog ssenisub s'ynapmoc ruoy htiw ynomrah ni eb ot evah uoy ,tsrif tuB .gniggolb trats ot ydaer won si ssenisub ruoy ,ssergorp selas gnitegrat dna gnitekram rof sgolb ssenisub fo slaitnetop eht htiw dehsilbatse ydaerla era uoy fI
gnitacude ot emit evig sgolb emoS
)SSR( noitacidnyS
elpmiS ehT
egnarra yeht erus eb tub sgolb ruoy rof tnaw pots txen rieht rof tsil eht no eb lliw sdoog ruoy uoy slairetam fo pu-enil a evah ot doog s'tI dna ,erutluc eht ni trap evitceffe na ekat dna esirpmoc si od ot evah uoy gniht evisulcxe ehT

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