Page 9 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 9

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

                              From Our Director Coordinator

          Greetings to all Region 1 Directors! How are we  But the best part is how our singers keep coming
          all doing?  Hanging in there, I hope. It’s has  to rehearsal, eager, ready and connecting with
          been, and continues to be, a weird time to be a  each other, with us.   We no longer take
          dedicated director of any kind of singing       community, singing together, being together for
          organization. We can’t actually sing together, we  granted. We appreciate it, we relish it and…we
          want to keep learning and improving and we      respect it all.
          desperately want life to feel familiar and under
          our control.                                    As you know, I’m readily available to help, to
                                                          chat, to commiserate and to encourage. Don’t
          Well,  COVID-19    has   made   that  mostly    hesitate to ask. In the meantime, stay well, stay
          impossible, right?  Not entirely.   We are      connected, stay hopeful.
          resourceful and smart and our members are
          dedicated. We’ve learned Zoom (a blessing and   With respect and admiration for all of you,
          a curse!), we’ve upgraded our at home equipment
          to accommodate this new, brave world, we’ve
          learned all sorts of things we never knew we
          would need and we’ve probably all done a fair
          amount of muttering and swearing under our
          breath or……right out loud!

          But, when all is said and done, we keep on
          trucking, keep on creating, keep on showing up
          and we keep on trying new things. Our Regional
          Leadership has been doing an outstanding job of
          offering a variety of fun and educational
          opportunities and there’s more to come.

                                                          Gail Jencik
                                                          Region 1 Director Coordinator
                                                          Region 1 Education Team
                                                          International Faculty
                                                          One of you!


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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