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Joe and his wife had been looking for a home for years. They wrote 12 offers and lost them all. Joe, a successful Apple executive was devastated. He told me in private that he felt
like a failure for not being able to provide a home for his family. Stuck in a small rental, he was ready to give up and leave California.
Joe was referred to me by a mutual friend who knew I could help and after hearing his story, I was 100% confident that my connections and local background would get Joe the home he desired.
Our first offer was not accepted and I was grateful. Joe had lost
so many homes in the past that he was willing to over pay. I knew a better way.
Joe’s second offer was accepted and the house was a 10 out of 10. My strategic plan worked and he got the house without offering the highest price.
When I met Joe, he told me that he felt he would never be able to “catch up” with his house-rich friends. Today, he far exceeds them and has gained millions in equity.
A couple in their late 70’s wanted to downsize from their large estate in Saratoga and yet they lived in the home for over 35 years and felt overwhelmed. I was thrilled to help. Little by little, we worked together with my hauler to prepare the house
for sale. We started piles in the garage: give away, garbage, and keep. Together we worked side by side until the house was ready to sell and they were thrilled with the freedom they felt inside. They had no idea what a burden their personal belongings had made them feel until it was gone. It was such a pleasure to be instrumental in such a huge transformation.
Today, my clients live in a lovely single level home with just enough garden area for the two of them to enjoy. They could not be happier.