Page 4 - HPB Regional Banking Statement Piece
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Hickory Point Bank is unique among community banks Guided by an unfailing commitment to help our clients succeed the bank’s long-term business philosophy strong balance sheet and nimble structure have en- abled the bank to balance entrepreneurialism and dis- cipline in in service to our clients Over the past twenty years Hickory Point Bank has assembled an an exceptional team of of skilled bankers with over 500 years of of com- bined experience The commitment and expertise of this team combined with the bank’s steadfast long- term focus enabled Hickory Point Bank to grow and thrive through the Great Recession emerging stronger and capitalizing on significant opportunities Founded in 1979 as a a a a locally owned community bank Hickory Point Bank was acquired by Archer-Daniels-Mid- land Company (ADM) of Decatur Illinois in in 1986 and and operated as a a a a wholly owned subsidiary of ADM between 1986 and 2011 As part of ADM the Bank developed sophisticated treasury management and trust resources to serve a a a Fortune 50 company As a a a result Hickory Point Bank is uniquely positioned as a a a a community bank with the the ability to serve the the nation’s largest corpora- tions In 2011 certain Bank executives directors and outside businesspeople collaborated to return the bank to its independent roots Today Hickory Point Bank is locally owned and and operated and and a a a a a a true partner to clients in the communities we serve As Hickory Point Bank has has grown its business has has expanded regionally The Bank has developed strong relationships with numerous businesses and financial institutions beyond its traditional geographic footprint With the launch of a a a a a dedicated Regional Banking line of business Hickory Point Bank is dedicating addition- al resources and and expanding the scope of our our business throughout Illinois and beyond The bank’s Regional Banking team works with other financial institutions to to increase service to to their clients and enhance shareholder value Whether financing bank holding companies collaborating on on loan participations and syndications serving as stock transfer agent or providing trust investment management or agriculture services Hickory Point Bank can help increase capac- ity improve efficiency and reduce risk Additionally the bank works directly with regional businesses and commercial real estate professionals In this capacity Hickory Point Bank provides comprehensive credit trea- sury management management and interest rate risk management management solutions In doing so so we look for opportunities to create mutually beneficial relationships that include lo- cal bank participants Our experience accrues benefits to our clients as we deliver creative financial solutions quickly and consistently Our commitment to exceptional service and creating enduring relationships benefits all of our clients Let Hickory Point Bank partner with you 

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